John Anderson, former Deputy Prime Minister of Australia, and Aidan Morrison Director of Energy at the Centre for Independent Studies discuss the energy transition. According to John Anderson we are at a civilisational moment in the West as a result of the climate debate. The stakes are high for finding an energy solution that does not require reducing the living standards of everyday Australians.

Australia stands at a fork in the road. The current plan to transition to a system dominated by wind and solar is encountering headwinds, with infrastructure investments facing unexpected social, economic, and environmental challenges. Are we still on the optimal path to net-zero? Are we on a viable one?

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  • @GeoffTrevenen

    Net Zero is a" Greta Pie in the sky".

  • @MDZzzzz

    What we need to do is get rid of the term Net Zero. Net Zero doesn't mean 0 Emissions! It should be called: Carbon Neutral, where we define what we are reducing and that is the emissions humans produce (through waste, manufacturing, energy consumption etc). Australia are already doing one better and that is looking at ways to reduce non-human emissions, such as that from livestock. So be that Humans are producing emissions, there are other smart humans reducing emissions other ways, which in turn could make us Carbon Neutral. However: What is Carbon Neutral, how do we measure emissions. If humans have produced 4% emissions globally and that's enough to cause the Earth to heat up, then how do we know what has been done so far has not made us Carbon Neutral? To me Net Zero is a catch cry to sell false hope which in turn is wasting everyone's money!

  • @detectiveofmoneypolitics

    Detective of Money Politics is following this very important issue for Clean energy cheers VK3GFS and 73s Frank

  • @drdoug007

    Declare that wind and solar are not renewableโ€ฆ. How are they renewable?? They goes against the laws of thermodynamics.

  • @warrencarter194

    Aidens comments about a Nuclear Referendum fail to consider the result from the Voice. Australians voted No but State snd Federal Labor are now rolling out the Uluru Statement by stealth. Why would nuclear be any different if we voted Yes. Labor has to go.

  • @petergouvignon8048

    Who cares about the delusional net zero ideology

  • @Wacko2-wrx

    Firstly itโ€™s the 2 major political parties, Labor and the Coalition who have created the high energy costs in Australia. The Greens and Independents have never been in power as all they can do is vote with or against the party in power. Australia is extremely lucky to have all of the options of coal, gas, sunshine, wind and uranium unlike most countries throughout the world. The original proposal to reduce our emissions was to go with wind and solar with gas being the base load option. Gas as a base load obviously emits harmful emissions but they can be turned on and off unlike coal and nuclear. Itโ€™s the Labor and Coalition parties that have made gas so expensive and itโ€™s availability so unreliable. Gas power plants are considerably cheaper than nuclear, requiring less security, less maintenance, easier to rehabilitate retired facilities and no nuclear waste for future generations. John Anderson spruiking nuclear shows no evidence of discussion just driven ideology just like Snowy 2 which is now costing 6 times its original quoted price and we taxpayers end up paying for this extreme waste.

  • @williamblue9996

    well that was one side of the argument off to fact check now

  • @emmanuelcarydis9084

    I would like to see the nuclear debate also take into account the Molten Salt Reactor designs based on the Thorium Fuel Cycle – eg. LFTR etc.

  • @fairgo4156

    We also need to avoid confusing what may work in Northern Europe. Australia that has a massive comparative economic advantage in renewables. What we need are properly fact-based options for Australia to decide what the future energy plan should be. A viable option may be renewables with gas peaking, it could be nuclear, it could be renewables and storage. I despair that both side of the debate are often ignoring facts and logic. This is a great debate and a necessary one. Well done panel.

  • @Mysay9962

    Thanks for the truth stop the b/s

  • @davesmith1553

    What an excellent presentation. Pity our leaders don't have such a good grip on reality.

  • @IntermediateSolutions

    If man made CO2 leads to the results most scientists believe, many people won't have to worry about flying to beach holidays. People are free to ignore the data.

  • @johnfoster7596

    Turnbull rightly called Dutton a thug! Anderson is not far behind! This is "The Centre for Biased & Corruption Studies" !!! Are we going to have a bible reading later in the presentation? I would have thought so!

  • @vivianoosthuizen8990

    Recently I learned about a year in mid 1800โ€™s that had no summer it remained winter all year because of there being so many volcanic eruptions. There were famine immediately just one summer and nothing could be grown but the next year it returned to normal.

  • @vivianoosthuizen8990

    Itโ€™s like believing you can walk on water and then tell everyone they have to as well. Many will drown in this.

  • @johnnywarbo

    The science on climate change is not settled and anyone who thinks that is very naive to say the least.

  • @mfield3831

    I canโ€™t see my energy bills going down like labor promised. I had a letter from AGL this week that my rate was increasing from a flat rate of 31c/kWh to 48c/kWh (peak 2-10). Now having a family this is the time we naturally use the most electricity. So Iโ€™m very excited to see my next bill.

  • @shaneburns4349

    John Anderson is spot on, where we are at can be partially blamed on uneducated compulsory voting, politically partisan media and school indoctrinations.

  • @iantag

    Great to see Aidan's media skills and media presence increasing month by month. His challenge to CSIRO and the ISP has benefited the rest of us. Constantly amazed by folk who continue assert that "CSIRO science is above reproach !! ". Appreciate this work – thanks to all involved.

  • @christophergame7977

    'Petitio principii', often translated as 'begging the question', means asking the principal question before presenting and answering the relevant conceptual preliminary background questions. It seems that the CIS and even John Anderson have forgotten that 'man-made carbon-dioxide-emissions global warming' is a world-government Marxist agitprop scam devoid of scientific support. It is the primary background claim. It is the reason why people aim for net zero.

  • @Backstromgroup

    More "Climate Change" nonsense to bill taxpayers for ineffective Government waste. Greta von Doomsberg really got to you!

  • @peterwundersitz3715

    South Australia had synchronous condensers running in the 60's and earlier. McGill substation and one other that I worked on.

  • @peterralph6112

    Essential viewing for all engineers, scientists, and economists. Oh, and I hope some politicians in government try and get their brain around the true issues, and that will be hard! A great talk, John and Aden.

  • @petertimp5416

    I disagree about the carbon price. All it does is pass financial pressure onto the community without achieving anything substantial and helps support a fantasy that CO2 is bad.

  • @mariokery7155

    Australian taxpayers are being charged with the highest prices for gas. Australia is one of the world's largest suppliers of natural resources, and Australia spends subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. The multi national corporations are making billions and paying what taxes and royalties. The entire parliament has always been a corporate takeover and not for the benefit of the people.

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