Vaughan Judge argues that to conjure the notion of the artist as the solitary genius is determinative of the way we think of creativity, and that notion is decades out of date. Today’s society doesn’t reward us for what us know, but for what you can do with that knowledge, and that is the mindset of an artist. Professor Vaughan Judge is Director of the School of Art at Montana State University (MSU) and is a Fellow of the National Arts Strategy’s Chief Executive Program. He is currently one of the elected Commissioners on Accreditation for the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD). Prior to MSU, he was the Head of the Fine Art Photography program at the Glasgow School of Art UK. He is the lead author of the book “Undergraduate Research in Art: A Guide for Students” by Routledge Press, and a contributing author to ‘Future Forward Magazine, Empathy at The Core, Ethics, Evaluation, and Engagement. Vaughan Judge has over 38 years of experience in arts education and is a practicing artist of international significance in the field of contemporary photographic art; his work has been cited in three history of photography books with numerous international exhibitions and publications. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at



  • @buskynewton142

    This is the art i want to do in my country Ghana

  • @nasalimbu3078

    Technology plants habita and animal (blue life core energy)

  • @aleemdadkhan3881

    loved this talk ,

  • @dominiquewa

    this is exactly the art i want to be seeing and doing in the world. thanks for this talk.

  • @gustavopimentel2913

    Superb!!! Mr. Judge

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