After making his fortune in computer software, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has dedicated most of his time to philanthropy, humanitarian causes and finding solutions to climate change. One of the world’s richest men, the billionaire climate tech investor has poured billions into green startups. Gates sits down with Bloomberg’s Senior Executive Editor for Energy, Climate and Equality, John Fraher to discuss the role of technology in solving the climate crisis, the AI boom, and whether net zero is achievable by 2050. Leaders with Lacqua Goes Green features interviews with key decision makers across a range of industries to see how they’re navigating the climate transition.

00:00 Intro
00:50 Bill Gates on Breakthrough Energy’s progress
03:05 Bill Gates on alternative energy solutions
04:38 Bill Gates on bottlenecks to to scaling climate tech
05:31 Bill Gates on raising funds for green solutions
08:01 Bill Gates on AI as climate solution
09:39 Bill Gates on AI electricity demand
11:10 Bill Gates on AI growth potential
12:28 Bill Gates on carbon capture
14:01 Bill Gates on whether climate goals can be met
16:48 Bill Gates on climate optimism
18:14 Bill Gates on leadership
20:45 Bill Gates on Elon Musk
22:44 Bill Gates on climate sacrifices and vices

#billgates #leadership #greenenergy #climatechange #climategoals #francinelacqua #leaderswithlacqua #bloomberg
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  • @rafaelludicanti2

    I just got proof that you are behind everything.

    Do you want to fight a war?

    I want whats best in AI.

    You may be a billionaire.

    But I am the son of an Immortal Goddess.

  • @ehnowthen

    Pure evil

  • @PUA-Dude

    Yes Bill Gates, we gotta work on Global Energy influences, our success will be good for Earth.

  • @umachakraborty8090

    Bill gates sir ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @DM-fg9rr

    If anyone reads the comments. As a nurse with actual real world experience, Bill gates is NOT an expert on biology, medicine, climate science ect. He is not a scientist or sociologist./ He is a business man, a criminal scam artist. He donates money to media for his favor and his agenda. That doesn't make you a conspiracy theory or fascist. He is not an expert in anything. He censors the experts and scholars, the doctors and scientists. There should be healthy debates with evidence and history by experts. Always follow the money, who benefits when a product or ideology is being pushed. Bill gates is a shady man, and hides behind "philanthropy" to cover his tracks. This is not an argument for pro or anti vax, not an argument of the existence of climate change. But the real experts in the field should be discussing this. Who funds these projects? who has financially benefited from them? If there is no opposition that is a red flag. We should be conserving our forests, our oceans, planting more trees, stop overfishing. Why does a small few billionaires have so much power and why do their ideas only get pushed? They love pointless wars, corruption, and think they are some how above all of us "normal" citizens of the world. They cause the worlds problems and unrest. They never want solutions. Bill gates especially is a con man and just about money, power, and control. He is no humanitarian, He is no scientist. Just study him.

  • @rafaelludicanti2


    What can I do for you?

  • @drstone1167

    🆘 Microsoft Cloud Software Outages will cost businesses $Millions$ because of flaws in the system to protect users from hackers.

    There have been few outages of this scale in the past few years. CrowdStrike customers posted blue error screens to social media as they were prevented from accessing laptops and corporate computers. The cascading failures underscored how a growing proportion of businesses have moved services and support processes online in recent years, seeking to cut costs or better unify global operations. Bill Gates needs to spend some of his $Millions$ improving its security and software.

  • @rafaelludicanti2

    Pay me and oll help ypu.

    Aint you a billionare?

  • @rafaelludicanti2

    Bill, you have to learn fairplay, dude.

    You cant turn my life into hell because I do not endorse ypu.

    This is dishonest.

    Have some dignity.


    Global outage was not a coincidence, it re affirms Microsoft’s dominance in the tech industry.

  • @danahun

    Why does nobody talk about the consumption side, and only the supply side of energy?

  • @user-rh8qs9pr1j

    Elon Musk's business is dependent on China, his Space X business depends on the US government. He sees how the Democrats are in a hopeless position with Biden and is now serving Trump in order to have influence in the new Trump administration. But one thing is crystal clear, Trump will treat him as a useful idiot and at the end of his term Musk's companies will be under the control of the Trump clan.
    If Elon Musk had studied history and knew how the dictators of this world expanded their power, he would not support Trump. Nobody is perfect, not even Musk..

  • @kurtjensen5798

    why are you still having this guy on, he was one of the most frequent visitors on Epstein island..

  • @josehernandez-ke7ru

    Nothing on Covid?


    Who tf sits like that

  • @ericanderson3534

    great interview. Flying from place to place is my biggest footprint

  • @mindaza0

    So many losers hate bill, he is one of the startest and succesful persons on the planet

  • @morsmagne

    22:50 This is the crucial bit of the interview. It shows that ‘net zero’ involves elites having a different lifestyle with a high carbon footprint. It’s hypocritical.

  • @GuitarristaDesconosido

    Bill Gates one of the good friends of Jeffrey Epstein.😊

  • @NickDrinksWater

    Im not a fan of that guy

  • @helloitsme9024

    dishonest snake tbh. All he cares about is his Legacy. He is very smart, but use his intelligence in a bad way.

  • @connieleonard8326

    Gates Evil

  • @holdencaulfield3102

    Energy storage is key in reducing CO2 emissions. Tesla has proven and deployed this technology at a large scale. And continues to scale up. Why in the world would Bill Gates short Tesla stock?

  • @pauldannelachica2388

    Ai and human teaming should focus on space colonization space mining infrastructure on lunar colonization

  • @mrflixflix

    The fact that Elon endorses Trump is so sad. He endorses the candidate that is anti-climate among many other things…

  • @zoide-777

    Lacqua reminds me of a young Stephen Colbert.

  • @mrflixflix

    Bill Gates for president! The debate would be so funny 😂 what I love about him is that he always tells the truth. I hated how Biden lied nine times in the debate. Trump lying all the time doesn’t justify that.

  • @sjohnson7269

    Bill Gates is Evil

  • @sheikhalprotein

    Climate change is BS distracting us from the main concern: alleviating poverty, specially in developing countries.

  • @rimagot

    This guy shorted TESLA, he is an hypocrite

  • @LarryCohen188

    Can he disclose what he discussed with Jeffery Epstein and what was he doing on that island, why did his wife divorce him same week when this was revealed

  • @XAirForce

    You wanna take credit for everything and act like you’re smarter than everyone when you’re not

  • @XAirForce

    If you’re deleting my information, you’re a bunch of morons because I’m saving screenshots

  • @XAirForce

    We could probably meet 2030 climate goals if we write a unified constitution and run the world as a single government

  • @micTesting-vz8hp

    oops wrong link.. wasn't expecting to watch fairy tales.

  • @Horatiuy

    In the Darwin theory, every animal wants to survive. That is called the survival instinct. Yet beyond that, humanity is having a spirituality if they want to. However there were always those that burned books and wanted to hide the truth. Makes me wonder if they would not want to nuke the Earth at some point to restart the civilization?

  • @joependleton6293

    Fact driven news, plenty of topics concerning energy! …💡… 🚲

  • @alexandermoody1946

    The search for solutions to gain a net zero emission future are the acts of folly and will without doubt return the planet to a barren rock without the cyclical building block of life.

    Earth is for all purposes a hyper adaptive biological system that uses as a core component carbon. The problem of adapting with increasing emissions of Carbon into the atmosphere is that the catchup has a lag period much like the workings of a turbo charger on a car. The problem is and always will be excesses of emissions from the personal and corporate positions. Focusing resource alocation sensible carbon management is the way to suitably provide a geo circular biological system. The problem of a sudden short term arrival to net zero is that of the adaptive nature rather than adapting growth volumes up to meet excess the system wide collapse of carbon as an input creates mass die off and irretrievable consequences to such ends in the absence of replacement organisms post die off.

    The remedy for such is that a move away from heavy personal and corporate excesses to a responsible sustainable solution involves a consideration of all factors and common sense.

    For instance the electric car market which encourages over production of heavier than equivalent fossil fuel powered motor vehicles, this has a the added cost of increased Road surface wear and subsequent replacement and resurfacing. Increased break and tyre wear that creates a considerable amount of extra atmospheric contaminants. That is before the over use and questionable methods of extraction of rare earth material is considered or the resources required for the more frequent replacement of major car components like batteries over the course of the vehicles serviceable usage when considered against the abundance of material resources to build small combustion engines that are advancing in efficiency. The search for renewable sources of energy are fought with the energy for initial production for instance the cost of resources against the aggregated use of land for biological life to use as part of the carbon cycle and coupled with the dilemma of what to do with the waste after the working life is complete.

    This has nothing to do with saving the planet by reducing emissions and everything to do with predicting the next profitable hype cycle of technology, to pull out at the correct moment.

    The fact is that vast quantities of middle and upper classes are over consuming resources where the majority of people are going to be penalised for those few that can fly everywhere on earth without sensible considered mediation of the need to be global citizens via a digital interface that consumes less energy and produces less emissions than some privacy focused form of transport.

    The requirement for a transparent global body reporting and analysising the use and effects of geo engineering, concerned equally with our biological system with planetologist reporting the effects of beneficial or negative results that circumvents nation state boarder restrictions and use by nation state actors towards the accumulation of water in there own geographical regions and hence limiting the cooling effect on the regions that do not receive water as clouds because of interception before crossing boarders.

    The planetary requirements of carbon as a form of sustenance has to be coupled with a foundational resource allocation sensible carbon management not net Zero.


    did he finish with i fund other peoples energy transition in order to write them off? is it all a tax scheme in the end?

  • @FriscoFatseas

    This guy better figure out human immortality soon or he is fucked

  • @YungSlim50

    The Biden administration wants Biden out so that way kamilla Harris can come in as the next president just realize if she gets elected as president this whole United States will fall if you've seen The Simpsons you would know what I'm talking about they have called it that is why the Biden administration and Democrats want Biden to drop out is to get someone in there that's going to be more corrupt than him and make this country fall into dictatorship change the course of action Trump is the only way we are going to get our freedom back and that's true spoken right there. Don't play into the democratics games the US needs to wake up and realize that if they want their freedom back and they want everything to go back the way it was Trump is the only person who can do that Kamala Harris will ruin this country. That is why the Democrats want her in.

  • @michasosnowski5918

    I appaud his efforts. Lately I feel like we are too far down, but maybe with lots of solutions we could make some progress. I think ultimately we also need to have less kids as a Earth population. I think around 1-3 billion would be optimal. Think about all the crowded places and how with more people it would be even more crowded. And more people means more forests cut, more pastures, more soy planted, more grazing. Less space for wildlife and biodiversity.

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