There has been a lot of talk about Canada’s economic and social decline, with much of the blame assigned to Trudeau and immigration. In this video I explore how Canada’s excessive immigration (with mismatched labour and skills), mismanagement of Canada’s housing sector, over-regulation of the economy, poor productivity, and poor leadership all work together to create an economy that will under perform its peers for the next three decades.

Will Canada continue its march towards mediocrity, or is there hope?

00:00 Prologue
00:57 Intro
02:12 Immigration
10:05 Housing
13:02 Productivity
18:55 Leadership
20:25 Policy Assessments
20:31 Legalization of Cannabis
21:02 CUSMA Trade Deal
21:49 Paris Agreement
22:02 Assault Weapons Ban
22:34 Pension Reform
23:10 Carbon Tax
26:29 Inflation
27:57 Covid Management
30:01 Conclusion

– Investment per worker Canada vs US
– Housing price & affordability
– Productivity has diverged between the US and Canada
– China Coal Power

– Inflation
– Doctor Shortage

– Ease of Doing Business
– Covid-19 Fiscal Policies in Select OECD Countries

Music Credits:

Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

A Himitsu – Two Places” is under a Free To Use YouTube license
/ @ahimitsu
Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • [Non Copyrighted Music]

Song: Unlighting
Artist: (LUX)
Year 2022



  • @yourdigitalmarketer3834

    Accurate. That's why you gotta start thinking ahead

  • @brianvanderkley3445

    Klaus Schaub is very proud of trudum.

  • @ComicSansMcGee

    I need to get the fuck out of here

  • @user-mu1vm3ol1u

    Just watch France with excessive immigration… in Canada they give 224$ a day to immigrants it’s more money than most workers do…. People that contributed all their life have less than 2k a month to survive… try to find a place to live under 1.5k a month now

  • @jaredvaughan1665

    Teenagers can not get part-time jobs anymore because of "temporary" foreign workers.

  • @jaredvaughan1665

    Immigration to Canada is way too high.

  • @shermanpeabody6102

    Don't knock Japan.
    Japan is like heaven when compare to hell-on-earth India. 🦉

  • @jordanw8382

    We escaped Canada in early 2022. I quit my 15 year career in the CAF, sold our house, paid our debts and escaped the tyrannical travel bans with my wife and small children. Not only is the regime is a threat to Canadian citizens, fellow citizens are a threat and will turn on you just like that in the next big contrived "thing".

  • @LovePeaceAntiFanatic

    We welcome immigrants that are skilled & talented, not garbage that come in and sucking up free social & tax benefits, or even worst creating social and crimes problems!!!

  • @njam101

    Canada is set to have the highest rate of economic growth of G7 countries and currently has the lowest deficits per capita by a lot within the G7.

  • @skufty

    Corruption in Canada has to end right now. Liberal and NDP have to be dismissed in order for the country to survive. Open your eyes. What do you see?

  • @hazrati77

    well stop immigration hell

  • @thirdtooth4069

    Great video, very moderate analysis, if overly pessimistic. One note though: assault weapons, as in guns with a select fire option and an automatic setting, are illegal in Canada and have been since the 70's. What trudeau banned are assault STYLE weapons which is an arbitrary definition they made up for marketing a gun ban. It's just a random smattering of semi-automatic guns, many of them are perfectly reasonable for hunting and sports shooting. Also, all of the guns used by the nova Scotia shooter were smuggled from the state's anyways, so this ban wouldn't have stopped him either way.

  • @PatrickGodreault

    The fake USD $$$ that has no End,, let me say this, many many countries is dropping the bullshit petro USD $$$ money. Good luck USA, good luck Canada.

  • @jeanpierreschoss6632

    look up canadian coalition for firearm rights

  • @nmdhawale

    Your voice was too low. I had to raise my TV volume to level 36 when I usually keep it at 20 or less. Try make ur next video by making it a little higher.

  • @mikeperr8701

    That’s the Trudeau plan! Just walking around you see it first hand. Just wait, the Trudeau theft and replacement plan is going into high gear.

  • @ahrick08

    Keep increasing immigrants, keep increasing house price and inflation up until next year please! thx

  • @georgeanthony6767

    Very thoughtful… very Canadian… and very boring… now if we had a Canadian Trump… wow… Canada would be great again…

  • @peterbutz642

    I can’t help blame Eastern Canada for this massive Fuck up of our country They installed these corrupt self serving hypocrites

  • @justbe1451

    Never leaving Canada, great grandparents came here for new life.
    No one so far has been able to make sense of carbon tax on people, absolutely ridiculous plan.
    Get smarter politicians.
    Great topic & video! 👍

  • @camtekinspections

    I was about to skip your video due to its length and I thought it was going to be another " New Canadian" this is why Im leaving Canada. I was wrong, very wrong. You are a very intelligent individual who backs up his words with graphs and charts. I thoroughly enjoyed the video. Thank you for taking the time to make it. You gained another subscriber. Keep up the great work.

  • @ryu_street_fighter561

    Canada is a failed state. It only took 10 years to destroy it.

  • @SquirrelGamez

    At least we're not dying because of unaffordable healthcare.. but yea housing is WAY out of hand.
    One of the great paradoxes of our time however, is that from an economic point of view, we need our populations to grow, but from an ecological point of view we need them to shrink.

  • @majorx1473

    High immigration rates from India, Middle East and Asia is putting too much pressure on housing costs and standards of living!

  • @Democracyphobia

    Soon trump will have to build a wall between canada and the US due to mass immigration from canada to usa

  • @S.W.A

    lol Danielle Smith telling everyone to move to Canada especially immigrants. Higher prices and longer wait times. Thanks Smith..

  • @Born1e

    great video man, you covered almost all problems with this country and explained it clearly. Now we wait and hope canada pulls itself back up

  • @Born1e

    born in canada, forced to leave 🙁

  • @carymnuhgibrilsamadalnasud1222

    Bruh you're an immigrant yourself.

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