Dr. Nadir Ali is an interventional cardiologist. He improves heart disease, diabetes and obesity through diet and lifestyle interventions.
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In this episode, we discuss:
00:00 – Intro
01:21 – What is an optimal diet for humans?
07:25 – Dr. Ali’s thoughts on plant toxins
25:22 – The danger of “plant cholesterol” (aka phytosterols)
38:32 – Why seed oils are problematic + cooking method recommendations
53:19 – Stomach acid and the long-term use of PPIs
1:03:39 – How insulin and glucagon interact
1:15:31 – Dr. Ali’s low carb/high protein/low fat approach
1:17:13 – Fasting and exercise for metabolic health
1:35:00 – SGLT2 inhibitors explained
1:40:31 – Dr. Ali’s opinion on GLP-1 agonists and allulose
Show notes: https://ultimatehealthpodcast.com/609
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About the Podcast
Jesse Chappus has in-depth conversations with health and wellness leaders from around the world. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, sleep, meditation, spirituality and so much more. Tune in weekly to take your health to the next level!
Thanks for watching this episode with Dr. Nadir Ali! If you're finding it valuable, please vote by hitting the LIKE button on the video. This lets me know what type of guests to book for upcoming shows. Thanks! -Jesse 💙
So much information.. thank you both. 🙏
Great podcast, after I heard " we cannot ignore to look at the individual person, diet has to be individualize" 100% in agreement. Jesse, you rock!
I cured my A-fib by greatly reducing the oxalates in my diet! I was eating copious amounts of oxalate containing super foods for 3.5 decades. Theses oxalates locked up my calcium, magnesium and potassium which are the minerals that regulate the electrical signal to the heart. When i started tracking and reducing my oxalate intake all my arrhythmia issues went away!!
Dr Ali is awesome!!
All opposing sides have logic sounding points. This is not helping. Guess I'll stay in the middle.
What is an optimal diet for humans? Idk. But more air intake is probably part of it.
Thank you both for this wealth of information! As a lifelong hypoglycemic addicted to carbs, now fat adapted 62 year old, I’ve trained myself to fast without discomfort for up to 3-4 days. I’ve learned fat metabolism works best in context of fasting and occasional carbohydrate cycling.Ill try reducing fat intake now that I have healed decades of gallbladder issues. Also will try weaning myself off hydrochloric acid a bit.
If you can get talks about oral microbiome
I am a dentist by profession but very much interested in learning in the whole body wellness
Wow! lots of information, and I feel so lucky to hear from Dr. Ali for 2 hours!!! thank you!
Just some anecdotal experience here. I suffered with such major heartburn/GERD that I considered Tums part of my daily food pyramid, and also took Nexium. Despite this, I sometimes had to supplement with baking soda.
Last September, I went on a low carb diet, stopped eating bread, cookies, etc., and the symptoms disappeared -immediately and completely. Just saying.
I wouldn't assume all older people have depleted stomach acid… due to the widespread over use of antacids, many older people have poor stomach acid, but not all older adults
For someone who has Gilbert’s syndrome. Fasting and eating only two or less meals per day doesn’t work. Liver can’t handle the fat load. Have to eat about 4-6 small meals to avoid feeling awful.
@JesseChappus on the question of avoiding seed oils in restaurants, there is an app, SOS (Seed Oil Savers) that helps you find restaurants that don't use seed oils or avoid those that do, or find ones that will let you make substitutions. The information is crowd sourced, and it's got some minor bugs when you try to link out to a website, but other than that, I'm finding the information useful. There's a 7 day trial period where it's free, but after that it's around $2/month billed annually, iirc? But worth checking out for those who are interested. Like I said, the info on restaurants is crowd sourced, and it's new, so the more people that use it, the faster it will become more useful.
another great episode..you two compliment each other.when i don't understand what the Doc is saying i just wait for Jesse to clear it up
I value Dr Nadir opinion 💙💙
experts: don't fast but here have some ozempic 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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But how many are truly metabolically healthy? Many think they are healthy because they don't feel anything … yet. I think the majority of the population, who have been eating a 'normal' diet, are not metabolically healthy.
Look into DHAA that is the form of vitamin C in meat and the only kind humans need
Wow dr Ali again knocking out of park, what a follow up episode 🙌👊🙏
Dr. Nadir Ali is absolutely the best on CVD. There are many doctors who are shedding light on the false cholesterol hypothesis, statins, heart disease and muddled dietary guidelines, but I have learned more from him than anyone else. (I need to cut my daily avocado down from the current 1/3, and reduce the amount of olive oil from 2 tbsps and increase the butter and ghee)
Thanks, Jesse, great interview, very thoughtful questions that drew interesting insights.
Jesse you are The best host Please get Senada Greca as your guest There’s lots to learn from her
Digestive enzymes work brilliantly especially if you are burping after meals take a couple just before eating and you will notice the burping stopping
Did Dr Ali say 4 or 40% of canola can be trans fats?
Thank you very much. GREAT interview… GREAT guest…GREAT questions Jesse! ❤️👏👏👏
Very informative video! Thanks