Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Barstool Sports’ Dave Portnoy’s scathing attack on the Democratic Party for pretending to be the party that can save democracy as Democrat elites anoint Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee while ignoring the will of Democrat voters; Chuck Schumer being greeted by awkward silence as he tries to get the press excited for Kamala Harris; Kamala Harris’ past appearance on “The View,” where Meghan McCain asked her if she supported the far-left policies of democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; Karine Jean-Pierre’s embarrassing avoiding of questions from “The View’s” Alyssa Farah Griffin about Joe Biden’s health; Elon Musk telling the Daily Wire+’s Jordan Peterson his honest opinion on Donald Trump’s leadership; “The Circuit’s” Emily Chang being stunned by Mark Zuckerberg’s surprising comments about Donald Trump’s reaction to the assassination attempt on his life; and much more.

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#RubinReport #Barstoolsports #DavePortnoy #KamalaHarris #DemocraticParty #Democrats #DaveRubin

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  • @michaelmignone5869

    Been an independent all my life, socially more closely align with classical liberal (not current liberal) and fiscally conservatice. After hearing since 2016 if i disagree with anything and everything from the republican side is racist, etc, etc, i can't get myselt to vote for that party. I disagree with policies from both parties, but if the democrat's goal was to push folks like me to the other side, mission achieved for now. 🤦

  • @user-lt2er1cn2p

    Democrats….You don't have to vote for Kamala Harris. Vote for Robert Kennedy

  • @factmanamerican882

    Any America who still votes Democrat after all the destruction they've done to us ALL in the last 31/2 years. Biden is the WORST President in American history.

    Don't believe the LIES and HATE that comes from out of their mouths. All they have is playing the RACE CARD. These people are pure EVIL.

  • @williamcarter7655

    KJP…….always dressed and looking like a clown !🤡

  • @evele4316

    The whole world (I from europe) is watching and now having infront of own eyes a real life example for how all those once big empires sunk 🤷‍♀️
    Cant belive that anybody who has some working mindcells does not see how bad the actually state is in America NOW is, with just angoing unrationality and brainwashing and sorry…but dumbness. And your irational democrats just fight to save the sinking boat, from beeing disturbed in sinking?! 🤷‍♀️
    I am Sorry for all those normal people there…but anyway , what happens there in the end- is/will spread/s aorund the world. 🤷‍♀️ Help us God 🙏 Amen!

  • @myride7216

    Im voting against the racists. Im voting for Trump.

  • @lua..8099

    She is not only dumb, but she is evil and a liar. Why people trust anything she says?

  • @michaelwayne8962

    Dave, you kill me 😂. Love your show and your take on all the libtard BS. Much appreciated in times like these.

  • @rockymclain3357

    Bad Ass show, first time watcher here. Have you ever has an average middle class person on your show to see how we feel about these topics?

  • @troymacnz

    And the View is where now?😂😂

  • @rock90753

    Zuckerberg already betrayed the country by spending millions on the demonrats to fund fraudulent drop boxes in swing states. Damage is already done!

  • @plamenpenkov2865

    Dave: I'm never gonna get an e*ection again after watching this…😂😂😂😂

  • @plamenpenkov2865

    Let's just agree, Republicans would not stand for it if the RNC pulled a similar stunt, disregarding the primary and selecting the candidate in the shadows.
    Democrats are sheep.

  • @luckehandyman

    That was hard to watch

  • @markrobinson6200

    Kamala with the perfect ego as the puppet/actor in the democrats' elite fascist game. Democrat Party sheep will swallow blindly everything their leaders serve up.

  • @mirellasmith7887

    Sam harris is just as evil and communist as the rest of them.

  • @wen102275

    Joe Biden stood in front of the nation and said I promise to hire a black woman. I watched the speech live. She is 100% not qualified.

  • @MrJoel9679

    Kamala is the face of lawfare. The Dem faceless men literally chose the chief prosecutor to lead the witch hunt.

  • @joniahti9714

    Im a finnish person and i truly fear, that Americans are so gullible and out of touch at this moment, that they will elect Kamala Harris and take it in the ass another 4 years, because why not. Wars, culture wars, high prices, destroyed cities ext…. why not. The media says Kamala is the best. Why not.

  • @Owlshead110

    I cant watch the twisting and lying on the View. It's so awful.

  • @laurakane2252

    When they start discussing what we're going to be allowed to eat or banning meat, I'm sorry if you're going along with that, you're the enemy. There is no other explanation. That's scary.

  • @justinmartin845

    Seeing the gays fall al over her because she is a woman of color and not based on anything she’s done for them is so on brand.

  • @rock90753

    The guy with the beard in the afro tries to equate DEI with the N word. He must have a mental illness because how do you say something that is so untrue, stirs, stits r race pot, is just outright lying. And we don't have policies to run another good for American citizens. You play the good old RACE card. These people are truly evil

  • @rock90753

    I mean this guy with the beard and the afro just out right lies. Donald Trump ran the country for 4 years knucklehead. Kamala put her heels up to get ahead. Are you referring to those type of accomplishments?????

  • @MrSeeker2009

    If you believe in the big tent notion as I do you need to call out Matt Walsh for his dig on the speaker at RNC Amber Rose. He was a douche about her. Welcome her in!

  • @iggyreilly1546

    Kamala wants to ban cheeseburgers.

  • @saxonalexander3888

    Great show sorry about the fumes

  • @andrewvogel1539

    She is stupid. She has made a fool of herself as VP. She is a California democrat and that state is now a wasteland.

  • @digdug7883

    You know they say that unprecedented and historical work as if it’s a positive bundle of both all while hopefully knowing that it’s the most horrific of both in my known lifetime what a horrible group of people to be a so called example of American honor ability.

  • @midwestfdwatch

    Older people usually vote Republican

  • @MsYugiboy

    Dude how is trumps side racist!! JD Vance's wife is Indian. One of Trumps daughter is married to a Lebanese man. Like seriously i dont understand how people buy this!! Its extrmely sad and shows how uneducated Americans are. I miss my childhood America! Good on Portney!

  • @user-vg6pr5yv6s

    Buzzard Universe!!!!!!!!

  • @noduhdumb1

    Yal notice the new replaced Biden can go up the stairs so easily???

  • @curtiszzzchicago

    "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. "
    .. in the name of Jesus
    Second Thessalonians chapter 2 people

  • @wile-e-coyote8371

    Word Salad Harris will never sit in the oval office. Her place is under the desk.

  • @ArtRemsik

    I’m almost 2 minutes into the show and all I’ve seen is some ridiculous Darwin, awards contestant, and an apology for the smell in the studio that your viewers will never experience.
    I was kind of looking forward to some content, but apparently the headlines are just a teaser. You may have some great information somewhere, but I don’t have the patience to wait it out and find out.

  • @Wiz-Boricua

    That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say you hate anybody Rubin. I feel the same way brother.

  • @seanbailey2299

    David, I have been following you for a long time, but following your very disrespectful use of the name of Jesus, immediately followed by a swear word, is the last straw.
    Without a public apology, I can not watch you anymore.
    Viva Cristo Rey

  • @snopure

    It was the government that said grains and breads should be the bulk of what we eat.

  • @dianaathena

    Love the flip. The Kamala thing rn is just entertainment. Bring out the popcorn.

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