Benji Maruyama, Air Force Research Laboratory
This talk is part of FDNS21: Future Directions in Nanomaterial Synthesis: From Rational Design to Data-Driven Manufacturing workshop sponsored by Nanomanufacturing (nanoMFG) Node at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Presentations for this workshop can be found on nanoHUB at https://nanohub.org/resources/35001
Table of Contents:
00:00 Autonomous Research Systems for Carbon Nanotube Synthesis
00:34 What is the Future of Research?
00:46 Science Is Getting Less Bang for Its Buck
01:40 Future of Research – Current Environment
01:59 Autonomy vs. Intelligence
03:28 Secretary of Defense Remarks for DOD
04:10 Can Carbon Nanotubes Save the World?
04:14 A Better Future for Carbon Nanomaterials?
05:00 Can Carbon Nanotubes Save the Planet?
05:56 Synthesis Issues for Carbon Nanotubes
06:48 Autonomous Research System
09:10 ARES learned to target growth rates
10:35 Speeding Research
11:46 Autonomous Sequential Decision Making in the Research Progress
13:38 Decision Making Approaches
13:56 Novel ARES Planners
14:04 OSU Bayesian Optimization Campaign
14:55 Decision-Making Modalities in Automated and Autonomous Experimental Science
15:04 Decisions are made in a closed-loop fashion using beliefs and policies
16:02 CNT Diameter optimization
17:07 Explicit Hypothesis Testing
17:45 Jump Regression: A powerful tool for response mapping
18:18 Targeted experiments – Jump Regression & Transfer Learning
18:46 Catalyst discovery through megalibraries of nanomaterials
19:31 How to Revolutionize Research
19:33 Automomous Research Operating System
20:44 Additive Manufacturing ARES
22:05 Autonomous Systems for Materials Development Workshop
22:28 Needed Investments
23:04 Future Outlook: Progression of Computing
24:27 Autonomous Research and Engineering
25:22 Children lose confidence in there potential to “be scientists”
26:01 Future of Autonomous Research Implications
26:53 The Billion Scientists Movement
27:30 Will Research Robots Take My Job
28:26 Workforce Development for Autonomous Systems Partnership
28:46 Future Directions
29:23 Questions