🔗 ClimateViewer
🔥MANIC MONDAY🔥 CRAZY CHEMTRAILS w/ @ClimateViewer #EllmoreArmy
Coal ash, anyone?
Looking good Jim Hope you're well.❤ from Aus🇦🇺
Oh well, he's married, probably happily bc this is a Good man
I think I'm in love :D! General James E Lee, works for me <3
The big lie: Carbon is toxic, CO2 is toxic, and paying taxes to governments is supposed to solve it.
And as usual, governments are using all of this as a ruse and distraction so they can carry out something no national citizen of any country would approve of doing, if they were well informed of the plans.
The equation is simple: The power is not in the complainers. The power is in the chemtrailers. They don't give a rip about the complaints or the complainers.
God I REALLY wish you could get on Rogan!!! Would give you the exposure and acknowledgement you deserve and help wake up the masses!!!
I don't trust Vobes.
42:00 lolz
Thank you always Jim !
remember when carbon copy was a real thing?
why does a woodchuck own a wood chipper is they ….fill in the blank Chip
@42:00 yeeeeeesss, sniff that sh.t !!! 😂😂
I've noticed that the sky seems so much clearer since I've been back to the US. While I was in China… guess what the skies looked like… 🫢😦😑🫤🫥🫣🥺🥺🙁
A discounted networking agenda…
On the flip side
nice work bro
Don't block me
I love how the fact-check defines contrail as something composed "primarily" of water. The rest is just chemicals, but don't worry folks, cause it's not a "chemtrail"!
They all hide when you get off work. You gotta work at work. Catch em . At work.Then work at work at home. At work.
It should be banned because its in us. We are the sensors We need space helmets
Dr. Davi Nixon just did darkfield spectroscopy that showed the same self assembling nano structures from the vaccines in the rain water. The electromagnetics from phones had a dynamic effect on the samples. Synthetic organic hybrids with light sensors is not impossible. Dr. Nixon found the structures in the piss. What are the bats signaling. Alex Jones was walking through a lot of dust on January 6th. I got pics. Alex Jones got chemtrailz on the screens behind him. I believe Dr. Nixon's microscope cost more than $100. Once they penetrate into the body, that's what must be discovered, uncovered, and recovered. Did somebody say tornado?
Carbon black with soot is chemtrailz. Ultrafine particles is chemtrailz. How long before the the dust gets to my lungs and my hair? Graphene in the blood creating ferritin. Each chemical influenced by radiations. There are no accidents. On purpose.
question…are you saying normal jet trails also create clouds? that's not what i see…only the chemtrailing ones do from what i see every damn day
Notice of Liability bro. In what ways are the people down below being harmed. Lungs. Brain's. We check the water to detect it. If I can detect it, the CIA can detect it🤔 They must've been reading your brain waves. Invasion of privacy and breaking an entering. The very word secret is repugnant in a free and open society🤔
Plane farts iz chemtrailz. Contrail when its cold. Not whitetrailz when warm..Hunter Biden😂
So who did it? The nazis or the communists? Was it Eisenhower and Nixon? Prescott Bush. One of these guys is the lone nut responsible for all these kkko trailz nobody see when you see. How hard is it for ten or twelve people to have chemtrail video capture. Ten videos from ten phones or more. Nobody thought of that? Bill Gates is a kkkontrail
Ya gotta be ready for those folkz. Illegal immigration is chemtrailz. Healthcare not pharmaceuticals.
Can they turn on and off trails behind public travel aviation?
2019 NATO Joint Warrior exercise 22 April until 5 May…
All long lasting cirrus clouding ceased until the afternoon of the allied militaries hit international waters… Almost 2 whole weeks of zero trails of any kind… Ever since then it's been almost constant trails unless the effects of a CME affects the atmosphere which acts as a diffuser… Altering the charges within the whole atmosphere, ground to space…
Once that settles down it's like watching someone roller paint a ceiling…
Whats your take on Haatfield?
Tennessee Law prima facie evidence to debunk debunkkkaz like Vox and USA Today. Everybody scared to get hung withe a napkin. KILLBILL stoll running around. Trump didn't get her/them yet. A foundation has been laid to refine. I suspect that you shall be offered lots of overtime so you won't have no time to run this big ole ship you got here. I got yo back.
Know dat
Thank you! I needed this. I'm not crazy either. The hole is deep..keep it up please!
Come on with the chemtrail jokes. Let's see if I can keep up. I'm studying the air forces chemistry 101 manual. Jet fuel is chemtrailz. Solar engineering is chemtrailz. Cloud seeding is chemtrsilz. Cirrus clouds is chemtrailz. Smart dust is chemtrailz. Nanoparticles is chemtrailz. Bionanorobotz is chemtrailz. Flights to Davos is chemtrailz. Covid injections is chemtrailz.
Climate change is chemtrailz. Contrailz is chemtrailz Some kkkontrailz is invisible🤔
And that damn "Bill Gates!" "Duh-Hilk." 🤤
Nice T-shirt; savory presentation~~~~
We can say chemtrails if we want to. I know that I can catch me some debunkers talking crazy. They don't bother me any more. Chemtrailz is in the blood. We are now chemtrailz. We got so much chemtrailz in us.
Jim you don't get it. It is all by design!! They want depopulation!! AND They're killing us, the planet & all nature & they don't care!! Certainly dont care what we want. They are insane psychopaths & Evil. The more they kill, thats what they want! They want transhumananism & artificial Earth. All living beins cannot live with the frequencies, nanobots, etc. etc.
13:00 pick a button you do not need so often and replace it with the V
I never believed "Nex Rad Rader" for a long time. It always looks WRONG !! 🤨