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The Beara Beara bag! https://www.bearabeara.co.uk/handbags/bernadette-brown

Cinematography: Tee Sapatsch

EDITOR | @DannyBanner
IG @danbanstudio https://www.instagram.com/danbanstudio/

📚 BOOK: “Make, Sew and Mend: Traditional Techniques to Sustainably Maintain and Refashion Your Clothes” https://linktr.ee/makesewandmend
🧵 SKILLSHARE CLASSES: “Hand Sewing Basics: Working Wonders with Fabric, Needle & Thread”. To sign up for a free trial and take the class, visit https://skl.sh/bernadettebanner1

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  • @bernadettebanner

    You can use my code BB1 for 1,000 free coins in Home Design Makeover: https://hdm.onelink.me/Eg2n/BB1
    Thanks to Home Design Makeover for sponsoring!

  • @kimjunjae

    The combo of insufferably preachy and talkative is not a good one honestly. It could be 4 minutes long video the shops listed below but instead, she choses to explain in excrutiating details why she won't share the info. Every single time, I see the titles of her videos, I click, then remember why I'm not subscribed to her channel …

  • @vrpansy

    the socks and boots are really giving pippi longstocking

  • @MistressBella1533

    Lovely recommendations but unbearably preachy video

  • @ruthycranford8742

    I picked up a linen cotton blend button down men's shirt at a thrift store for a 6 day hike where I covered 60 miles. Did I stink at the end? A bit, but not as much as I stank after my two day practice hike where I wore a synthetic hiking shirt!

  • @thepbc1001

    18:38 The intense intro audio for Tee made me choke on my water, love your editor

  • @catherinemontrose2102

    My favorite summer outfits are based on handwoven cotton tiered skirts by Greentree Weaving – yes, acquired over the years at the Colorado Renaissance Fair, which they sadly no longer attend. So breezy and comfy, but actually a thicker weave that drapes and doesn't blow around in the mountain wind. Highly recommended.

  • @eleganthobbit6348

    NEVER APOLOGISE FOR THE SOCKS! The socks are amazing. Be proud of the socks. SOCK PRIDE 2024!

  • @natalieheagle7005

    I love finding out more ways that I messed up on my wedding dress 😭

    Silk charmeuse for gauzy overlay
    Breathability ❌

    It looked pretty though 😅

  • @catherinejustcatherine1778

    Most Wholesome and Useful Rant!

    Requesteing something like a podcast for the full length voiceover/s rant/s ( I find them immensely inspiring to help me get through chores I'd rather not "have" to do)

  • @candicewiggins166

    where does Rayon/Bamboo fall in to the natural fibre category? just curious, I love linen and cotton and have been replacing my wardrobe over time with those materials but recently tried some bamboo/rayon and love the feel just curious.

  • @JulieNekolaNovakova

    Thank you for the video! I was just doing a little research on what types of fabric I should get for a planned capsule wardrobe, in order for every item to be relatively versatile, comfortable, functional (and good-looking too!). I wonder what you think about lightweight merino wool for summer – wool, on one hand, traps heat, but on the other hand it's absolutely great at moisture wicking, getting sweat away from the body and letting it evaporate. Very lightweight superfine merino is definitely not historical, but still – do you consider it a good idea, especially for people who sweat a lot or move in changing temperatures? I also saw some linen-merino blends, but they seem to be very uncommon.

  • @MaesterTori

    I have navy long sleeve t with horiztontal white pinstripes from H&M that I bought sometime between 2010 & 2014, and I will darn that thing until it's just a patchwork rag 😅

  • @nimuek3107
  • @sarahwatts7152

    I tell people every time I shave my legs, which is roughly quarterly

  • @Novemberbabyyy_

    Linen anything is so expensive! I guess this is why it’s good to have sowing skills, it’s probably cheaper to buy the fabric and make your own.

  • @AjaxAtax

    So, silk (and even wool) is not inherently only for cool weather.

    The weave and weight is very important, looser weaves will breathe, even in the tropics, and both silk and wool dont just absorb moisture, they wick it to the outside surface to evaporate just like bast fibers can, and this has a cooling effect in hot weather, especiallyin drier climates. They are also both antimicrobial, and easy to care for with minimal washing.

  • @nights_the_nightingale

    Watching this while ironing my old curtains in order to turn them into a tunic 🥰 It'll be my first full outfit, hopefully it turns out well ❤️ Definitely keeping the bedsheets tip in mind, and bonus they come in both plain colors and fun patterns!

  • @galatea5455

    Not gonna lie, all my clothes are fast fashion, but barring a major weight change I wear them for YEARS. I hate clothes shopping, so when I do buy clothes I'm holding onto them for as long as I can.

  • @dantem.ginsey4608

    I will say, in the faux leather vs real weather debate, it is so so important to take care of your genuine leather items. If you buy cheaply made real leather and do not take care of it, it can fall apart nearly as fast as faux leather.

    On another note, I know the purpose of this video is not to buy anything, but I have been searching for a nice belt that suits my style and the ring belt is perfect! Thank you for this video!

  • @jerrychubb6168

    Informative and adorable as always.

  • @Elzariel

    Seeing the first outfit's socks and shoes… Am I the only one aggressively humming the Pippi Longstockings theme song? :'D

  • @thedistinguished5255

    0:24 in the historical period? ah yes, the period of history. we all know it

  • @hollyrose9336

    I really want good leather boots but my feet are too big for any women’s ones I find, and the men’s ones seem to be so much more expensive and it’s hard to find some that I like

  • @ameliapond5629

    Thank you! I live in the desert where it regularly gets into the triple digits f (38+ c). Trying to figure out historical clothing with that kind of heat is rough

  • @orchardhouse9241

    You have reminded me that I have a skirt project I want to finish. And now I am getting so many ideas.

  • @57caa

    Omg I'm so excited to see the jobear boots here! I just recently got the same pair and have been raving to everybody about the quality and comfort!!

  • @a.j.nunnaurbiz6535

    Ren Fair playtron, here. I learned early on that synthetic fabrics don't breathe. I would rather wear several layers of natural fibers than one layer of synthetic. Hands down.
    and, speaking of Renaissance Festivals, if you are looking for another source of the gillie style shoes, Medieval Moccasins (small crafter, they have a website in addition to selling at festivals) make very durable leather gillies. I love them because they are forgiving/adjustable so far as size goes, and I've been able to put insoles in mine. I have a pair that are almost 20 years old, and still in great shape.

  • @tuxedobob2

    I keep trying to reconcile this with hiking advice that suggests you should use synthetic fibers and then I'm forced to remember that cotton and linen aren't the same thing.

  • @Ben-kv7wr

    My mum got my brother a mid 20th century leather blazer style jacket for $1!!!! From a thrift store. Didn’t fit him but fit me, my dad moisturized it and got it back to a good state! It lasted me 10 years before my BF put it in 😢 the washing machine 😭

  • @Linda-qp9kp

    Based ON, people. Not based OFF. You're welcome.❤

  • @KyleeBrielle

    Excellent video, as always! Important note about leather; Vegetable tanned leather is the most eco friendly option currently. As Bernadette said, our current technology of synthetic leathers aren't to the level that actually makes it a better option than the real thing. Leather hides are a biproduct of the meat industry, and those hides would completely go to waste if they weren't tanned and turned into useable objects. Even the plant based vegan leathers are almost always backed with polyurethane or other plastics, so they aren't as eco friendly as they claim to be, though vegetable tanned leather will naturally biodegrade when thrown into a land fill after it finally becomes unusable. Also, referring to real leather as "genuine leather" should be avoided. Genuine Leather is actually the name of a type of leather process where the scraps of real leather are glued together. Genuine Leather is to real leather what particle board is to wood. Anything that's labeled "Genuine Leather", most commonly found as fast fashion leather, is not going to last you anywhere near as long as a real leather product. You'll know it when you see it, the surface of Genuine Leather begins to peal as it wears, and you'll see a flaky, almost cardboard looking core underneath. When you mean real leather as opposed to vinyl or plastic, simply say real leather (or even the specific tannage, such as veg tan, chrome tan, etc). Genuine Leather was named that to intentionally cause this confusion and mislead people into buying a lower quality product!

    Final note, anything labeled PU Leather is fake leather. The PU stands for Polyurethane.

    I'm not trying to tell anyone what to buy or not, as I completely understand that sometimes budgets and time limits for costumes and garb can be limiting. But hopefully this will help people to be aware of what they are buying when they are looking at their options and know exactly what to expect when spending their hard earned money.

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