The EU Just Transition Mechanism was set up to alleviate the social and economic impact on the most affected territories, in particular regions dependent on fossil fuels and regions dependent on carbon-intensive industries. Steel production is one of the main affected industries. It represents one of the world’s main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, which are concentrated in a limited number of locations, including in Europe, the United States and Canada, which have all committed to reach climate-neutrality. Its decarbonisation will not only have major technological implications, but also a significant social and human impact on the workforce and people in the relevant territories. By zooming in on the just transition challenges of the steel sector, this session, moderated by Peter Berkowitz, DG REGIO Director kick-started an international debate on the human dimension of the decarbonisation of energy-intensive industries and established a transatlantic dialogue on the just transition, bringing together regions in Europe and North America.
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