A new United Nations report on the impacts of climate change shows a worrying assessment of how rising temperatures will impact everyday life.

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#ABCNews #ClimateChange #UN #UNreport #GlobalWarming



  • @DonKilluninati

    The temperature was cooler this summer in Tucson, AZ, so where is the warming?

  • @DonKilluninati

    U.N.-you mean Rothschild's political whore house? They are not an authority!

  • @JayMeasom

    Game over

  • @1SG1956

    Climate changes have taken place well before the Industrial Age. Study Science. Study World History. The Earth will end someday, but it won't be from climate change.

  • @RM-ee9zk

    Stop listening to this fear mongering. Follow the money!

  • @nelixsulu6201

    Our governments don't care because they have backup plans elsewhere if this planet fails… and everyone is not invited either.

  • @FrancescaBettiMusic

    Is already late. Don’t you see

  • @shorelineshot

    It’s called Geoengineering something you lie about !

  • @collinschultz3868

    Truth heating the entire world just a single degree can have terrible effects for the world we are starting to enter into the world wide mass extension event of all species..

  • @deficator750

    i can't tell if i should be worried or not

  • @ThreePhaseHigh

    Global warming is the greatest scientific fraud in history

  • @samlair3342

    The only problem with Mann's hockey stick was that its handle was about 9,000 years too short.
    marcott-A-1000.jpg 1,000×672 pixels

    We were at the beginning of the next ice age until man’s activities bent the temperature curve.

  • @whatnow2368
  • @aurora3557

    The fact that people know what’s going on but still act like they don’t care just because they think there’s “a bunch of time left” makes me so mad and sad and just makes me feel like we are not gonna fix this problem.Videos like this kill my mood.People are so ignorant and that’s why we are going to die because of this.

  • @laeitdown

    Why does no one blame govenments? That concerns me the most that there is a mass cover up, why else would NO ONE question the governments on what experiments they have been doing for 60 years. THERE IS A UN TREATY THAT BANS WEATHER MANIPULATION TO FIGHT A WAR!

  • @whatnow2368
  • @therevelationofthegreatnam6917

    #LetUsAllUnite #LetTheEarthRest

    #CLIMATECHANGECRISIS, we can resolve only this issue by following God's Law from the Bible and call on HE'S true NAME.

    Let us all learn and inform everyone specially to all our respected leaders around the world about this great Bible Revelation from this video:https://youtu.be/JUz3DhJsuDw

    Note: This is not to promote any brand new organized religion or faith but only to share the true life-saving message from God.


  • @kevinhawley8724

    There is nothing more sick, more perverted, more twisted than telling innocent children, "The earth is getting warmer." We need to call it what it is, emotional child abuse. Children have more than enough stress just growing up in a country with a 200 trillion dollar federal debt.

  • @anglosaxonmike8325

    The actual warming period ended in 2008. Scientists who need funding
    were warned to keep it quiet. Prof Ian Plimer, one of the worlds leading
    experts, has written many excellent books on the warming scam.

    We are now poised on the tipping point of the next phase of planetary
    cooling. This cycle is unstoppable. Previous cycles show that we are in
    for a really bad time. Civilisations thrive in warm periods, and crash
    in cold periods.

    Our modern society is very fragile and not able to cope with the onset
    of the next very prolonged cold period. Glueing yourself to an elephant
    or sitting on the motorway, will not stop it.

  • @Herr2Cents

    Musical chairs with the climate. Good luck

  • @rask5240

    We’re just all fAwked society doesn’t wanna do anything y’all don’t believe climate will kill us all and destroy the world to extinction so piety just doing the blame game for everything but wont get up off there computer and try to move or do something society and the earth boutta get a reboot everybody 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @TopperPenquin

    Net Zero anything is a path TO DOOM.
    How can any right minded person believe this absolute Co2 BS???
    Just because Carl Sagan say it's Co2 doesn't mean it's Co2.
    Carl Sagan may have been high on MUSHROOMS that day he stated that?
    New SCIENTIFIC evidence finds that throughout history enough Millions of years ago that there is NO correlation between the highest earth mean temperatures and the highest earth levels of Co2 gas in the atmosphere.
    The Earth has always been TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN.
    🌞 🌎
    What had confused Carl Sagan is that he did not know that every time 12,500 years we come into this Meteor belt that the Earth is stuck in the Northern Hemisphere by a huge Meteor. This places a huge plume of dust in the atmosphere that blocks out the Sun for thousands of years and cools the Earth.
    It is such now that maybe we have exhausted all these larger Meteor chunks as we are back around in this belt again. We can see this by the 1908 Meteor strike in Russia that if it had of hit Moscow would have killed everyone there though this was tiny. Then in 2013 another Nickel Meteor strike even smaller again. People all had dark skin until these Meteors struck were then White people had to quickly adapt to virtually no sunlight as well as the near east Asians who had some sunlight. We can see this fact as White European have round eyes and Asians have narrow eyes to protect against the sunlight still being reflected from the ice.
    There have been two relatively recent Meteor Strikes back to back giving us this FALSE sense that the Earth is in this GOLDILOCKS wonderful 15 degree Celsius zone. IT IS NOT.
    Even the Australian First Nation people's Dream Time Rainbow Serpent may well be the tail end falling debris of the last earth temperature reducing Meteor strike known as The Younger Dryas Comet Event some 12,800 years ago that virtual reset human development back to day one. We can see that all over the world particularly with distance from these Northern Hemisphere Comet strikes that there is clear evidence of Pyramid Building and the earliest Pyramids were build by Dark Skinned People and that only after the last Younger Dryas Comet event are the Egyptian sculptures representative of Fairer Skinned people's.
    The Younger Dryas Comet event pretty much wiped out everything that had previously existed I'm The Northern Hemisphere including the Megafauna such as the Wholly Mammoth.
    Just because all of our recorded history exist in this brief "GOLDILOCKS" period of Earth's mild climate doesn't mean that this is the temperature that Earth natural rest at. The Earth is in NO "GOLDILOCKS" zone but a "PapaBear" zone. So whether we Reduced Carbon Emissions or not you can 100% expect the Earth's mean temperature the keep steadily rising.
    The thing we seriously should be immediately and rather quickly implementing is some form of atmospheric reflective umbrella around certain areas of the Earth to reflect away this overbearing Sun before we all start to fry everywhere.
    Is it that the Anunnaki were mining Gold in Africa to Block out our Sun and that this planet was once called Nibiru. Maybe they failed there civilisation succumb to 50 degree heat as we even see ancient folk law of people living under ground and in caves. Then once again in a half Earth elliptical cycle being half of 25,000 years 12,500 years Earth was struck by a very large Meteor thus reducing temperature's dramatically creating an Ice age then in the immediate following 12,500 year elliptical another back to back strike being 12,800 years ago The Younger Dryas a much smaller strike that brought the World out of this Super cold period and set us on our slow course to our ever looming "Global Warming" come "Climate Change"?

  • @Brandonsux2024

    I keep telling Brandon that climate change has nothing to do with his poopy diaper. He will never listen. Just Biden My Time!

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