Operation and Maintenance Sustainability of Water Resources Infrastructure in the Case of Irrigation and Drainage in Tajikistan
27 March 2024

Asset management was recognized as a fundamental tool for the sustainable management of infrastructure. Asset management planning identified asset stock, condition, and performance, enabling agencies to prioritize schemes in modernization programs.

In Central Asian countries, the sustainability of irrigation investments and their performance was threatened by the lack of adequate funds to ensure sustainable operation and maintenance (O&M) of irrigation systems. Payments from irrigation water users for service delivery and allocations from the government budget covered only about 30% of the O&M costs across the region.

In Tajikistan, the financial situation of the Irrigation Service Provider, the Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation (ALRI), was challenging, with accumulating arrears of relatively large electricity costs compared to low collections and service fees (The annual unconstrained O&M budget was TJS 450 million, while collections in 2023 amounted to just about TJS 50 million).

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