Discredited 18th-century economist Thomas Malthus still haunts the environmental debate.
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“We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth,” said climate activist and Time magazine person-of-the-year Greta Thunberg before the United Nations in the summer of 2019. “How dare you!”

Some praised Thunberg’s performance as a stinging rebuke to the rich and powerful for failing to put the survival of the planet above their own needs. Others saw the exploitation of a young woman with emotional problems for propagandistic ends.

There’s no question that Thunberg’s style of environmentalism—strident, urgent, and critical of global capitalism—has gained a strong foothold in contemporary politics.

A 2019 paper from the journal Bioscience, co-signed by more than 11,000 scientists, asserted that Earth’s population “must be stabilized—and, ideally, gradually reduced.” And some politicians have questioned the morality of having children at all.

Whether contemporary proponents of these ideas know it or not, they are all the intellectual heirs of the misguided 18th-century thinker Robert Thomas Malthus, who believed that when human population increased, famine and environmental destruction would ensue.

Reason’s science correspondent Ron Bailey, who is the author of the 2015 book The End of Doom: Environmental Renewal in the Twenty-first Century, says that Malthus failed to see that as human population increased, so too would livestock and crop populations with the help of ever-improving agricultural technology, which is why food availability steadily increased over the past two centuries, outpacing population growth.

“Basically, the Malthusian prescription turns out to be completely wrong,” says Bailey.

is it really possible that the world could run out of food?

While the International Food Policy Research Institute projects that farmers will have to produce 70 percent more food over the next 30 years to feed everyone on the planet, the technology already exists to accomplish that goal. Agronomist Paul Waggoner calculates that if all farmers became as efficient as today’s U.S. corn growers, the world could feed 10 billion people today on half as much land.

Today’s Malthusians are most concerned about the disruptive effects of climate change. Citing global warming and habitat destruction, documentarian David Attenborough described humanity as a “plague upon the Earth.”

Meanwhile, the Bioscience paper signed by 11,000 scientists projects total societal collapse if population isn’t managed properly.

“I think that there’s a kind of a catastrophizing, apocalyptic undercurrent,” says Ted Nordhaus, founder of the Breakthrough Institute, which advocates technological solutions to environmental problems. He believes the environmental movement has long been hindered by its anti-growth paradigm.

“Conventional environmental ideology posits human development and environmental protection, oppositionally, and I have exactly the opposite view,” he says.

Nordhaus says that the most effective way to deal with climate change is by promoting policies that accelerate economic growth.

And so Nordhaus advocates for greater reliance on clean, abundant energy like nuclear power to fuel advanced economies towards possibly innovating even lower impact alternatives.  But the third-world may still need to rely on traditional fossil fuels on its path to prosperity and population stabilization.

Produced by Zach Weissmueller. Camera by John Osterhoudt, James Lee Marsh, and Meredith Bragg.

Photo credits: Greta Thunberg in train station, Hansson Krister/ZUMA Press/Newscom; David Attenborough at conference, David Perry/ZUMA Press/Newscom; Greta Thunberg and others on stage at UN, Jacques Witt/SIPA/Newscom; Greta Thunberg speaking at UN, JEMAL COUNTESS/UPI/Newscom; Greta Thunberg smiling and listening at UN, Abaca Press/Roses Nicolas/Abaca/Sipa USA/Newscom; Starving baby, Nie Yunpeng Xinhua News Agency/Newscom; Starving kids’ hands, Nie Yunpeng Xinhua News Agency/Newscom;



  • @Zeitgeistboxee

    Keep believing in your absurdities, you're insanities, your ego….. and your completely fake societal conditionings….. Don't look up.

  • @VicariousReality7

    You are the carbon they want to reduce.

  • @kiraflash4596

    World Hunger has nothing to do with how much food is produced. Politicians use famines to get rid of certain people.

  • @annahardina1831

    Here in Vermont, ALL gas stations owned or operated by India were not forced to install The 5 million dollar New Regulation ground Gas tanks The LOCAL gas station OWNERS had to put in Vermont.. Many Local Gas Stations and convenient Stores went bankrupt while India makes billions regulation Free. Biggest scam against the local owners.. AOC used The Green New 🆕 deal scam to send billions to a foreign country..
    This is how they control Gas prices from within the country..
    So many Vermont small business owners lost their Gas Stations from Regulations. While India has NEVER followed any Regulations. American Small business owners deserve answers.

  • @b-m605

    "11,000 scientist including the nobel prize winners micky mouse and daffie duck."

  • @ellow8m

    Accelerate economic growth. Oh, yes. The sooner the better. LMFAO

  • @ellow8m

    Capitalism is the answer insofar as it contains its own end. The problem is that he could take us with him but otherwise ok

  • @BaynexoMusicOfficial

    AKA, The LACK of capitalism will stop climate change. There is NO goddamn reason we should believe some free market ideology should come save us.

  • @Jessysun-ku6rt

    Who make changed climate ?! PEOPLES RICHEST MAKE BUSSINES WITH WAR …

  • @ericdunbar6230

    The magic technology is going to save us. The magic technology is going to save us the magic technology is going to save us. Nope!

  • @makayahmilani2232

    Until you eradicate greed, you will never eradicate hunger. Greed not just for money, but for control of land, resources and people. The right to totally control everything thing we do. The elite don't want to see anyone not directly serving them and their interest. Wouldn't want to be in their way as their going on holiday! F' those people!

  • @Peekaboo-Kitty

    Stop giving Retards attention!

  • @piousbox

    Less than a million subscribers to one of the best youtube channels? : (

  • @Rnankn

    Consumption x Population = C02. One thing is certain, promises of having everything without limits is how we got here. And doing the same things but expecting a different outcome is magical thinking. It is definitely the worst among all the other less bad options.

  • @StressRUs

    Greta Thunberg is NOT the answer to climate change. Malthus was correct.

  • @JXZ-JAM

    Google Allen Savory.

  • @albertmorris6162

    Billionaires can take a rocket-ship to another planet when their greed destroys this one, but what about the rest of us?

  • @TheBitterSarcasmOfMs.Anthropy

    Capitalism requires burning fossils fuels and the continuous extraction of Earth's raw resources to convert into money just to 'justify your existence' and 'for the sake of the economy to keep it growing.' Modern economics is based on manufactured wants and WANTON CONSUMERISM – not real necessities. You Right Wingers are in denial of simple chemistry, physics and thermodynamics taught in high school – its called heat imbalance , carbon cycle and resource depletion -we do not live on a planet with infinite resources so resources just don't magically show up!

    Capitalism will offer no market solution because capitalism is profit and growth driven; conservation or resources is antithetical to capitalism and capitalism cannot work in such a business model of conservation – capitalism must forever grow and expand or else it collapses. Furthermore, capitalism is now in the hands of Big Tech, Big Corporations, Big Finance and The World Economic Forum, all of whom want utter control over you (sorry nutjobs, this isn't woke socialist agenda its capitalism doing its thing)

    See, this is why STEM education is so important – NO CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS based in science – only based on Friday night high school football emotional MAGA rage

  • @_1tav

    Finally someone makes a video about this

  • @XennaShieldOP-pu6le

    Why is a 5 year old girl teaching us about climate change?

  • @terrancenoble3059
  • @josephhaystrand6222

    Population control is what you make it. No one needs to die or not have kids. I feel like people should cut back on having to many children. everyone want to have a family to protect but don’t realize having kids is hurting your kids. Wear condoms and maybe our world won’t look like Star Wars in the next 100 years

  • @Tokyo_2025

    capitalism requires infinite population growth, denial of this fact is a sign of low intelligence.

  • @jzno

    Crapitalism is the source of MISERY and WAR.

  • @Botoshel19

    Oh the Thunberg brat. Why are we even listening to an autistic person? Enough of promoting of the mentally ill. Come to think about it they should be the first to go if we are talking about population control. 😏


    This is Fearmongering ! The only people talking about Control are Overpopulation deniers ! : ) Evidence ? Look around ! –
    Traffic, Waste, Rising CO2 levels ( 8 times more trees being cut down, than planted ) 70% of wildlife lost in 50 years,
    Plastic clogs oceans, in food, rain, our bodies. Population has tripled in 70 years, AI will take all our jobs !
    What problem ? ? : ) : )

  • @williamfagerheim1817

    The only reason they say humans are overpopulated or going that way is simply because they are not able to control that many people.

    Its about control, nothing more.

    Anarchism simply means out of their control.
    Anarchy means without rulers not without rules.

    The true law is discovered trough scientific means and not created, whats created is excuses criminals use to justify causing individuals permanent harm, loss,and damage.

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