Join me for a deep dive into the eighth Sustainable Development Goal – Decent Work and Economic Growth. It assesses how we create economic opportunities, protect workers’ rights, and prevent exploitation.
For a full written summary, links to my research, and resources where you can learn more, visit:
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0:00 Introduction
2:31 SDG 8
3:41 Target 8.1 – GDP Growth
6:22 Target 8.2 – Labour Productivity
9:32 Target 8.3 – Reduce Informal Unemployment
11:58 Target 8.4 – Resource Efficiency & Decoupling
14:56 Target 8.5 – Full & Productive Employment
17:53 Target 8.6 – Reduce youth NEET
20:08 Target 8.7 – Eradicate Forced & Child Labour
23:33 Target 8.8 – Protect Labour Rights
25:42 Target 8.9 – Sustainable Tourism
27:23 Target 8.10 – Financial Inclusion
29:35 Target 8A – Aid for Trade
29:48 Target 8B – Youth Employment Strategies
30:14 Summary
33:17 Closing
Beautiful presentation! It benefits me a lot. Thank you!
It doesn't cover, transgenders employment growth,
Hi. I found this SDG video first.
I had never thought of "growth" as yu pu it. Thank you, you have give me something to really think of from an African perspective.
My question is: are the growth rates expected by these "global" organizations" sensitive to our Indigenous Knowledge and cultural systems
You're absolutely drop-dead gorgeous ma'am ❤️ anyway, thanks for ure info about the #8 SDG .
Great Doings 💐
Highly appreciated
This was wild! Great work 🙂
Yay! Was looking forward to the next SDG being covered- thanks 🙂
thankyou for the quality content…. waiting for the next 🖤
Thank you for this content 😊
Welcome …..your follower from Yemen