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Videos are created by Alexandre Magnin using years of experience drawing and working as a sustainability consultant with businesses and communities: http://www.amcreative.org
Sustainability: how much is too much?
In this video I explain in 20 seconds the pressure we put on our social and ecological systems with a spaghetti analogy.
Narration: Sarah Brooks
Music by “Locally Sourced” by Jason Farnham.
Volunteer for Portuguese subtitles: André Ribeiro Winter
We don't know what we don't know.. Therefore we continue to kick the can down the road. How to do further stress urgency when the problem doesn't impact everyone on a daily basis?
Love it! Well done: Simple, to the point, clear! Thanks!
what do you mean about this short add
Great analogy but the best was that the spaghetti was recycled.
Great and simple videos. In Chile we are working with students to create more conscious about environment and sustainability, this videos are great and help me a lot. Regards from Chile.