As the UK Government brings in a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars – what does it mean for your classic car?
We run through:
– How long ICE will be on our roads?
– How long will we be able to get petrol and diesel for?
– What happens when petrol or diesel is no longer available?
– What is the true environmental impact of an electric car?
– What is the true environmental impact of a classic car?
Jump in the comments with your thoughts
Not sure what all the waffle is for. Its not complicated. The ban is on new cars, not old cars or classic cars. Classics that are maintained / refurbished are unaffected. There are no plans to ban classic, however fuel will increase in price with additional taxes until carbon neutral fuel is profitable. It will just become and expensive.
Fossil fuels will have disappeared from forecourts by 2050, you will buy it in a chemist in cans and people will demonstrate them by running them occasionally.
Polestar research is rubbish, they have used high embedded CO2 batteries, this is not normal for the industry and batteries can easily be carbon neutral. They need energy not fossil fuels to make.
You are cherry picking data, its fundamentally wrong.
We need EVs now and they are essential to get to a carbon neutral.
I have used the classic/old car arguments for many decades (30+37 yo Volvos), but I am an electrical Engineer. The arguments against or diluting the benefits of EVs are falsely created by those with fossil fuel or legacy auto interests. EVs wipe the floor with combustion from a climate change point of view.
I drive my classic very little, but I'm not currently doing a long drive to work as I did in the 90s. If I did have a long drive (say 30mins) it would be well worth getting a cheap EV.
You can run a practical classic but you will be best to convert it to EV as time goes buy.
The gov't is not often right, but in this case they have elected to go against the money because of the lies told by the legacy auto about diesel as a solution to climate change. The gov't is right to promote EVs, your cherry picked data is wrong.
Owning and driving a car is set to become so expensive that so many drivers of today will not be able to afford . It will be a rich man’s activity only . Consequently, a lot less cars on the road .
revisting this in 2024, it is clear that we cannot yet say that "nearly every car sold is hybrid or electric".
Your graph doesn't jive with the amount of new registrations. New gas and diesel cars are on a downwards trend, how about used cars?
I daily drive what is known as a "resto-mod", a classic car with a more modern and efficient powertrain. All the work to build it was done by myself.
The bodyshell, a 1978 Triumph Dolomite Sprint automatic, has long since paid it's debt to society, being 46 years old. That lifespan means that at least 2, maybe 3 cars, weren't built to replace it.
The drivetrain was salvaged from a 2000 model year Vauxhall Omega 2.2 16v auto which I bought as a whole car, but it was badly corroded in several vital spots so was at the end of it's useful life (it was 15 years old) even though it had done less than 70k miles. So the running gear had also paid it's dues.
Wherever possible, the shell was restored using recycled original panels and a few (very few) "new-old-stock" panels that were made in the 80s (again no environmental cost) The powertain was fitted as removed from the donor, without any maintenance beyond a new timing belt and water pump. There was (and still is) nothing wrong with it. Even the interior trim and carpets were good second hand items from a variety of sources.
It did have new or remaufactured suspension and brake parts and stuff like fuel lines and coolant hoses for obvious safety reasons, but again, NOS parts were used where available. I also bought new paint to apply to it.😂
A standard Dolomite Sprint auto of that year can manage around a 23MPG average on E5 petrol and will struggle with prescribed MOT emission limits (again for that year of car) of 4.5% CO and 1200PPM hydrocarbons. Although my car doesn't actually have a catalytic convertor fitted, it will pass the MOT emission test for a cat fitted car on CO (0.30%) and HC (200PPM) and only miss by a couple of points on the Lamba reading. It also AVERAGES 36MPG in mixed rural and motorway driving I typically use it for, it can get get up to 45 MPG at a legal 70mph extended motorway cruise.
I should also add that the original Sprint drivetrain was upcycled to another enthusiast and whatever parts I had left from the Omega that I could sell were recycled too, before the shell was scrapped.
I didn't set out to build the "greenest" car I could, far from it, what I WANTED was a car I could enjoy and use daily that was a bit "different" Since I couldn't BUY what I wanted, no money and what I wanted wasn't available, I had to BUILD it! But it turns out, I 've been doing my bit for the environment after all!
Most interesting data, which does kind of backup my own theory. Way to go😊
Ok how many Eva will be abandoned cos the batteries are dea
Perhaps those numbers on cars sold gas (petrol) diesel vs electric hold true in the UK but here in the US nobody in their right mind wants an electric car…
(1) There aren’t nearly as many models available as in the UK…
(2) The charging infrastructure is decidedly less developed in the US…
(3) Electric cars are just not practical for the distances we drive in the US, hours spent “stranded” waiting for the charge to complete or the batteries simply failing due to extreme heat or cold temperatures…
Besides who wants to drive a car that looks like a suppository and hums like, we’ll you know.
Thank god i will be dead , before this crap becomes the norm,!we had the best motoring years,i feel sorry for you all.!
So out of date, all different today in 2024
Another question: Will we be eating meat in 2030?
The false argument is that CO2 causes global warming. That is the cart pushing the horse up a hill.
Correlation and causation have been mixed up here.
It takes a lot of heat to keep such a heavy molecule like CO2 in the atmosphere. More heat causes higher concentrations of CO2.
Just slinging facts here.
Ignore the d’bags. Classic cars forever!
Excellent analysis.
Annoying music.
Your prediction hasn’t materialised mate, June 2024 now, still only 20% cars electric registered per year
Screw the EU.
Who ordered the grilled elbow?
I saw a experiment with a morris 1000 during the 1st 3 miles it’s better on pollution than modern cars after the 1st 3 miles it’s much worse the reason the cat has to heat up to work correctly on modern cars
All new cars are unsustainable.
Once all the plastic ages and the complex electronics get gremlins they aren't worth fixing. It's just going to get worse and even the factory mechanics can't keep up.
I bet nearly half of the cars don't make it ten years.
My classic has outlived five plastic cars.
You can't convince me that the extra smog outweighs the environmental damage of producing and scrapping five cars.
As much as I love the gas engine with all its parts working in harmony it's got so many things that can wear and fail.
A sustainable powerplant would be a hybrid using a smaller battery pack that's constantly recharged using a simple RV type generator.
Hooked up to hub drive wheels we can convert any classic to a modern system that is light, powerful,fuel efficient,smogable and easy to repair.
It will sound lame.😢
No more Braaap-papapa-Braaaap!
My daughter has my old oppo Reno 2 7 year old phone and the battery still lasts her a full day. 🤷 Also, aren't they just better off replacing current petrol/diesel with those better fuel alternatives you mentioned?
All the comments politely stay on the reservation. Lets say it as it is, Electric cars are a trojan horse never intended for mass ownership. They are all part of the 15 min ciity,you will own nothing and be happy future they have planned for us.They will taget classic cars because there is plenty of expertise in theis country to keep re building them indefinitely .When you cant buy new.
Net zero will do for these cars on emmisions.
See brown car guy today a thought that hunt may do away with the 40 year rule go look.
Those in govt never create laws that affect them and they awn classic cars too so we'll be fine.
Anything made from crude oil can be made from algae oil without the environmental impacts. Fuels produced from algae oil produce up to 86% less emissions so it would be like taking 86 percent of the internal combustion engines off the market without having to convert, destroy, or replace anything. And I'm not just talking about cars. It is the only green product that can absolutely replace crude oil and end the need for mining. Electric cars will never end the need for crude oil
I’ve heard from several sources that the classics, or even just petrol or diesel cars will not be insurable. Oh NO! What about my little collection?
It will be much like what happened to cameras that used film now we all use mobile phones
How is the electricity ued to charge you electric car generated is somthing else to consider i would think.
the push for EVs isn't about the environment
When most MPs cannot define a woman, why do we allow these clowns to dictate our lives?
There will always be a production and demand for such fuels. The actual long term is looking better for those of us who holdout with gasoline or diesel, because as EV's take over, there will be both less competition and less push to attack internal combustion because they are too few and scarce to be a problem any longer.
Remember, there is some waste gasoline as a byproduct of oil refining. There is a certain about of diesel fuel that is natural in refining. Even if they change the way the oil is refined, at some point there will be a balance point of fewer internal combustion that meets a demand FROM oil refining to buy and use certain byproducts.
Yes of course you will petrol as you know it isn’t going away for a good number of years after the ban on the sale of new cars. This doesn’t include used cars and there will be a push on E fuels. The fuel won’t be cheap but classic cars don’t normally do that many miles each year.
I have just bought a 4.2 v8. As a country we contribute 1% of the world’s pollution. The countries that need to change are India and china