As I wait for the official video material from the Cosmic Summit 2024 organisers I have made this video and additional comments material for those that were unable to attend this fantastic conference either in person or virtually.
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  • @mustwinmel4244

    Given the link between the Nazis, the occult, operation paperclip, die glocke… do you think that the Swastika was chosen to represent the Nazi Party for a reason? The SS logo was two thunderbolts. The Iron Cross all have associations with this subject.

  • @mopcart5952

    legendary GOAT

  • @klingonbaronessprincesskar5519

    Thanks bob iam doing ok many thanks hi to yin

  • @cathsrq

    17:00 project for Harrison

  • @fasted8468

    Are the $ and ⚕ signs both an example of the symbol? Who decided the dollar sign would be a snake wrapped up around a pole I wonder 🙂

  • @zdenekbreza3770

    22:06 Very interesting documents (16 documents about vector potential and scalar magnetic fields of Nikolaev Gennady, about some of their properties, how to detect them, …) and experiments by Kuznetsov Yuri Nikolaevich on the website Академия тринитаризма. E.g:
    Кузнецов Ю.Н. – Дистанционная связь между водными и между твёрдотельными структурами (Remote communication between water and between solid-state structures) Magnetohydrodynamic structures in water with an ink.
    Кузнецов Ю.Н. – НАМАГНИЧЕННОСТЬ ЭЛЕКТРОПРОВОДНИКА (Magnetization of an electrical conductor)
    ….After removing the cylinder from the coil, the field-current system was maintained for 3.5-4.5 hours without energy source….

    I came across Kuznetsov's work a few weeks ago. Less than a year ago we discussed together, Bob, whether it is possible to use the Poynting vector in the coaxial cable to create a self-sustaining system, instead of having to make a very complicated 4-level coil structure. I was of the opinion that it should be possible. In my opinion, Kuznetsov proved this with his experiments with coaxial cable some 20-30 years ago.

    There are several YouTube channels in which Russian electrical engineers are experimentally engaged in Nikolaev Gennady's scalar magnetic fields and they find out their properties. It's a treasure trove of information. Unbelievable how far ahead of the west they are in some things.

  • @jezzamobile

    Genesis 6 and the book of Enoch tell how fallen angels taught technology to men, amongst other things…

    It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in manPsalm118v8

  • @vibehighest

    Bob, do you know this guy?

  • @MentalWanderings

    I would love to drive out to that spot in New Mexico and check it out. Have you seen any odd structures closer to south-west California? Would love a reason to go on an adventure.

  • @FaustCortes

    Hi Bob Greenyer, whats your thoughts on ORMES elements and paramagnetic elements applied to create meta materials?

  • @zynark777

    Bob is a true prophet. Not like the false ones. He doesn't claim himself to be one but he speaks arcane truth all along.

  • @MentalWanderings

    I didn't think I'd get to hear you sing! What a treat!

  • @quest_onchannel54

    Breakthrough! Eureka! Magnificient! Bravo! Hurrah! Splendid! Thank you

  • @lajosbaranyi7333

    What a magnificent word salad!!! Amazing lack of logic and meaning is an artform.

  • @brandonb5075

    Great presentation Bob, but sorry, no record deal!😊 Just playing, I shared it, hope that’s cool.
    1. Also, take a look at the 7-8k yo “crop circles” in the dirt of Kazakhstan. One is a dotted square with an X in it and one is a 3 arm SwissSticker with yin/yangs on tips.
    2. The “target theory” battleship actually looks like the section-view of a UFO and its internal components/config?
    Peace brother!✌🏼🤙🏼😊

  • @cedriceric9730

    The power of Christ is not this bob, he went to Egypt to escape Herod and he was much too young to explore the pyramids, also hia source of power was Jewish scriptures old , testament which he taught and applied, there is nothing hidden about it.
    As wonderful as flying across the universe and mastering physics is , it is still nothing compared to mastering sin and spiritual reality which is the root of physical reality even this

  • @Mark1O37

    Bob Dylan: The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind

  • @scaledsilver

    It was amazing to meet you at cosmic summit bob, what you’re doing, what Malcolm is doing, what jordan is doing has become a shining light down a dark tunnel for me.

    You all lit a path for my own creative endeavors and dreams utilizing these principles. To an independent researcher like me, you’re true teachers. I’m glad to have found all of you through the algorithm.

    One day I want to be able to walk alongside you all pioneering this field.

  • @davethomas30

    presentation particularly introduction by young lady doesn't inspire confidence…self congratulatory tone and emphasis on symbolic language is also off putting.

  • @patrikrezle4269

    Im really intrigued by the information shown. Past and pressent are colliding in unprecedented way i did not expect that getting this video send to me. Got so many more questions because of the awnsers given. Love from the Netherlands! Keep up the good work and i definitely subscibed.

  • @stellieford6183

    I need that song on my life!!!

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