Fast fashion brands are a poison to our planet. They mass-produce clothes that often go unsold, ending up in landfills and contributing to environmental destruction!

Cheap clothing items have low-quality, they lost value very quickly and are discarded. It’s time to break the cycle and choose sustainable fashion and invest in quality pieces that last. Together, we can reduce waste and protect our planet🌍

[Buying, clothes, fashion, landfills, cheap, value, environment, sustainable, reduce waste, planet]

#wsc #womenssocialcorner #wscbaatein #wsclifestyle #fastfashionsucks #cheapclothes #moreproduction #landfills #environmentaldestruction #choosewisely #fastfashion #sustainable #sustainablelifestyle #sustainableliving

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Women’s Social Corner is a community with a view to almost everything that holds significance in women’s life! A safe place where women can come together, share their stories and support each other through life’s ups and downs. Come join us and Upscale family.



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