Last week Piers Morgan hosted a panel to discuss Terrence Howard, Candace Owens, and the problem of populist science denial. Initially I was asked to be part of the panel, but the morning of the show I was told I could not participate because of technical difficulties that may or may not have been real. At any rate, I’ve got quite a lot of commentary regarding the panel, beyond the views I would have expressed myself, so let’s do a little run down, shall we?

My first video on Terrence:
My video on Terrence and Eric Weinstein:

Watch my other debunks/debates/discussions:


Check out “Is This Wi-Fi Organic?”, my book on disarming pseudoscience!
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  • @cotzker

    The problem is that people think science is democracy. As if there is some kind of vote among the scientists and the majority determines what is right and what is wrong. Sentences like "Most scientists claim that…" are often the beginning of any lie. Ditto "studies prove that.." and other vague opening sentences like that

  • @josemontalvo72

    Prof. Dave, please continue to stand for science! You are the best.
    We all know why you were not on this show, you would have smashed them all.

  • @MisterRorschach90

    Benjamin jesty used cowpox puss to inoculate his immediate family. But this information was isolated and not even used by Edward Jenner who eventually used a similar idea to create the vaccine. This actually works against their point that laypeople should be taken more seriously, because in their example, the scientific community discovered it on their own just decades later.

  • @Cowboy684

    LOL Dave, you might want to steer away from politics and theocracy, it's clearly not your forté. You call others cultist conspiracy theorists, then take a deep breath before touting that "PrOjEcT 2025 iS a rEaL ThIng and OrAnGe MaN Is SuPpOrTiNg iT!!!" You shouldn't paint conservative voters with such a broad brush, and stop getting your political news from CNN and MSNBC.

  • @nassattack

    damn, Dave went HARD on this video

  • @namhy5162

    There was a time where Knowledge was Power…now even a village idiot can have access to thousands of years of knowledge and history to refute it in front of millions of lazy and ignorant people. It sounds condescending but I'm just observing the thing.

  • @rjbuilds955

    I enjoyed your content until i realized your just a woke leftist.

  • @sawalsh07

    I laughed out loud and screamed when I heard him call Terry a polymath!

  • @ChuckyMcNubbin72

    Jeebus, the word salad is strong with Eric. Must be something to do with people named Eric and Nathan. Yeah, you all know what I'm talking about.

  • @LouiePGallo

    It takes a simple Google Books search to see the use of the term "peer review" can be found in nineteenth century scientific literature.

  • @Puzekat2

    “Scientist believe…”. Is the most BS statement I’ve ever heard because scientists don’t believe anything. It’s not faith. Scientific experiments seem to lead one to think X has something to do with Y and or Z. Scientists think. Scientist conclude. A theory is not the same thing as a theorem!!

  • @machinedesignengineer9274

    Dave. Don’t support anything about the COVID response from either side. That whole thing was really ludicrous.. One question: Is a vaccine an inoculation? If it isn’t when did that definition change? I’m a professional STEM practitioner, and I don’t remember learning mRNA in high school… If you’re going to act like you have it all right at least recognize your own blind spots.. that gaslighting is so stupid dude.. credibility ruined for me for a while… you have a masters in what? Science education? Come on dude..

  • @CodyHa420

    that was a perfect break down.. you're doing good work there

  • @smartic5822

    Keep up the good work

  • @outputcoupler7819

    This is genuinely difficult to watch. I've been working on it for two days, and I just keep having to pause because I can't handle how maddeningly stupid this all is. What the fuck is wrong with the world?

    The only reason any of us are here is because people are taking seriously shit that is timecube level insanity. This isn't real life, this is a bit from a saturday morning cartoon. Any moment now I'm going to wake up and think to myself how silly I was for not realizing I was dreaming. There's just no way the world has become this stupid. Right?


  • @Gladihagen91

    I’m thankful people like you exist Dave. Your end summary was perfect, and I wish more people viewed your content. My only critisism would be that I think it’s a mistake to not vote for the democrats this election, as it’s the only way to beat the fascists. Anyway, thanks again for your great content. Cheers!

  • @oneofus6924

    first time i saw erik on a podcast, i thought he had something to contribute. He seemed even tempered and soft spoken, seemed like a reasonable person. after watching content he is on in the last 5 years, I am no longer under his illusion of intelligence. I just hope no one else needs to spend as much time watching him to figure it out.

  • @jakublizon6375

    Eric just recites names of irrelevant people….

  • @Jimbo_Conn

    No defense of Piers M…trust the science was the mantra of the Mainstream Govt sponsored media for two years.
    Also two things can be true at once…Terrance is an actor nutball and Niel D is an actor clown

  • @devinjones1527

    Growing up in the US in this time period has been like watching a loved one fall into addiction and join a gang. All you want to do is help, because you love them… But every time you try, they spit in your face and rob you while you're wiping your eyes. And then eventually, you feel like YOURE the one at fault because you finally gave up on them, even though you know it is entirely their actions.

    Also, if y'all find yourselves in a debate about Christian theocracy with someone who seems to be in favor of it, I've some results by reminding them that if a Christian has those rights, what happens if a Muslim or (god forbid…) an ATHEIST comes to power?

  • @ericcorrea1901

    Science should go on strike!

  • @kivvm

    and also theese fuckers keep talking about covid vaccine.. Like we all now vaccines work. We have been taken them for a long long time. Oh, Joe rogan did just get a cold. Yeah, he is training and taking care of himself. But if not the other 90% took the vaccine maybe it would have been worse for the human population. but what happened? people took the vaccine and the crisis was over. I feel like a Karen for pointing out the obvious

  • @aaronwiese870

    Dave, wonderful as always. Keep being the guy who refuses to treat bullshit with kid gloves.

  • @blasphemicwhale

    At first, I thought you were kind of abrasive. But the more I watch, the more I respect your stance. The more I understand the people who are the topic of these videos, the more I think they are deserving of that abrasion.

    Keep up the good work Dave.

  • @saketssss

    I have a feeling you don't understand people and e.g how Pierce acts as a journalist. I respect you, but it's somehow very cringe. You are intelligent, but you take things a bit too seriously.

  • @kivvm

    I am an high school dropout. Started to work cause family needed help. Im smart but im not educated. Even a stupid baker as me knows that if you have 1 ball 1 time. You have 1 ball. If you have 1 ball 2 times. You have two balls. If you have two balls zero times. You dont have a ball.

    I'm currently working on a project. Im gonna make terrance drone 1 time and i will have twice the strong of drone as terry

  • @Dillypuffs

    This channel should be called "Professor Dave Calls Out the Bullshit."

  • @meodrac

    Shitheads like failed scientist Weinstein is another cog that propagates the idiocy machine

  • @chads.1726

    Piers having eric and two of his sycophants on is pretty telling on why your screw got lost in the mail Dave. Morgan framing this as a discussion when it is actually one view coming from three mouths gives the viewer the impression this is adversarial, it is very deceptive classic propaganda shit.

  • @chads.1726

    Weird how the "anti authortitarians" who are anti science are all right wing grifters. What authority are they anti? Big science? Well they dont control much in reality. When it comes to cops and states, they love that shit.

  • @michaelutech4786

    I think there is a real problem, which is not that some mad people make up crazy stuff. The problem is corruption.

    Science is pure. It uses objectively observable facts and combines them with logic to derive more complex knowledge.

    The problem surfaces where science transforms into myths in the public eye. "A study shows, …". Psychology is science, at least it uses the scientific method. But then you hear two renowned scientists making two contradictory statements in court and the credibility of these statements are being evaluated based on the reputation or the charisma of these experts. Or you read a scientific paper published in a renowned journal, peer reviewed and everything that concludes with the claim that a statement contradicting its results had to be qualified as a conspiracy theory.

    Before Covid, I had a high level of confidence in the credibility of the scientific community in the medical field. This experience left me devastated. How is it possible that we don't know exactly how effective which kinds of masks are? How is it possible that we don't know for certain whether aspiration is required for which types of injections? There are many such questions that experts keep answering in one way or the other and it's not science that gives the answers, it's expert folklore, stereotypes or political expedience that gets sold as scientific truths as if this was snake oil.

    It's not conspiracy theorists who damage science, it's the scientific community, at least the public facing side of it.

    I trust Neil de Grasse. That's because if he would talk to me and made a statement, I am confident that if I asked him how I could verify his statement, he would point me to a way how I could objectively test his claim.

    I don't trust Faucci, because I would expect him to tell me that I should trust him. If asked why, he would enumerate his academic and professional credentials.

  • @ComputerHead0001

    Surely you would never cover the scientific evidence that flat earth is a psyop to discredit, divide and distract put out by the CIA and Tavistock institute about ten years ago when it just exploded on the internet for no reason other than astroturfing… That would make you risk getting banned from youtube for acknoledging the openly stated plan, no mere theory, to set up a tyranical world government eh?

  • @philosophyfrog2653

    The world has gone mad, hasn't it?

  • @Dannosuke25

    47:30 you mean Koch brother.

  • @Brah-2785


  • @iloveplasticbottles

    The problem with society today is platforms give equal footing to both the educated and the poorly educated

  • @RM-xr8lq

    science is based in material reality and uses empirical evidence

    that goes against the doctrine of these faith-for-aterlife social credit score pyramid schemes, where being a good person and trying to understand the world is second to bootlicking your upline for a totally real vacation spot after brain death

  • @DrBear-rk4qb

    Thank you for defending science, Dave!

  • @Xavbarker

    Just thank you for existing Dave.

  • @MrLittletube

    The “I don’t know that it’s his idea” is his future get out clause when he “finds out” it’s not his idea.

  • @mattbrownruns

    Another coward who is not following through with fairness and respect to your time? Surprise, surprise… Another one of the self absorbed fact deniers.

  • @ccampbell02yt

    Great video but I hope you didn't mean you're not voting in direct opposition (Democrat) to the Republican party. Yikes!

  • @amoney71185

    I think honestly that Tom is right when he says, roughly, that if a scientist says something disprovable, the whole ball of yarn unravels and people run to wackos like Candace Owens. People should be smarter and know better, but so so many aren't and don't. Scientists need to temper their smugness when addressing the public, as difficult as that might be.
    Regardless of the intent, when Fauci went on 60 minutes in March 2020 and definitively said people shouldn't be walking around wearing masks because it doesn't help, in full know-it-all douche mode, perhaps unbeknownst to him, he bet the farm on that claim, and when he reversed course, he lost a lot of people.

  • @JohnDoe-ni9zm

    You know what Dave, I always thought you were a bit too harsh and unnecessarily rude but since watching this video I think it's probably for the best. Keep it up.

  • @ericnix3024

    Fascinating said it once then it was repeated over and over

  • @seansmith7252

    Brian Keating at 34:31 states that we are not entering a new age of science but a pre-scientific age. Sadly, this understates the threat science deniers and charlatans actually pose. People like Terry, flat earthers, vaccine deniers, and creationists, don’t want a new dawn of science investigation, but rather a return of the dark ages.

    At its heart, these communities deny the scientific method, including peer review. They have a worldview and political agenda that cannot be substantiated by the scientific method. Therefore, they reject it and seek a return to a time before science where the anointed , unquestionable, or infallible high priests, clerics, nobles, and other political insiders define reality, acceptable investigation areas, and how and what information can and will be shared. Talk about a star chamber of elites.

    If you’re rooting for this new age, you’ll love the return of the fairy or bad spirits theory for disease spread, virgin sacrifices to volcanoes, witch trials, famine, war, and many, many, more to be seen horrors.

  • @mnatiris

    The vaccines are experimental

  • @catalyticcentaur5835

    Can I downvote this waste of time once more? What's this else than spewing on others?

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