US #banks are likely to face significant failures in the coming months. It’s clear that central banks and financial institutions have set the stage to use #Ripple’s technology and the digital asset #XRP as a solution to the impending global banking crisis
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Aliens you said it (aka) fallen angel
Get a cold storage wallet and no one gonna take your XRP. No one so don’t stress out.
I totally agree with him!
the mafia will keep applying more duct tape to prevent the house of cards to collapse until the election
Sorry, but there is sides at this point. Not apologizing for Summer of Love 2020 and an Assassination attempt. We are getting past discussing things. Went on too long. Just wanted to hear about the banks. Don't need a therapist.
Nice video!
I ask ???
If the power grid is out…
How I as an individual can I pay with XRP any service or payment.
Why isn’t there a money supply with a fixed or set growth rate you can’t alter? Something based on sound principles.
Great content guys, as always. Many thanks.
@43minutes onward David expresses something of great enormity and is a turning point for everyone if they are not already aware of it. As a Feng Shui consultant he is spot on – life is an INside job – a place many dare not go! throughout my life I have seen people internationally primarily in the west but now dipping into the east is the hypnosis of consumption. I worked with people selling huge packages and their marketing was all based on dont miss out on this once in a time opportunity – they particularly targeted countries like US, UK, OZ and Canada where people are addicted to whipping out their credit cards on command!!
Noticed he sends subtle messages of consciousness.
Great conversation! Great guys all of you!
Thanks guys. 😊😊
I love this show⁰⁰⁰⁰
Great chat! Love David's energy!! Thanks guys!
America has become the bully in the play ground…we need change!
Fantastic 🎉 thanks a lot for your support and help 🙏🙏
The US economy is a powerhouse with a diverse range of sectors. The stock market and the dollar have traditionally been safe havens due to their long-term growth and stability. However, potential downturns are part of the economic cycle, and laws are in place to manage defaults and asset seizures. Inflation can be a concern, but remember, certain assets like stocks and Crypto’s acts as a hedge. Long & short-term trading is generally safer, allowing investors to weather market volatility. I have managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 432k in the space of a few months… I'm especially grateful to Donna Mikalonis, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape…
Love is important, but only if it is love with truth,❤ love is not love absent of truth. Without truth its simply evil
We also can’t agree or rise above it with a side that doesn’t know how to define what a woman is you can’t reason with the unreasonableAnd there’s so many other topics that we simply will never agree on and it goes beyond just agreeing or not agreeing we simply cannot let them be we can’t let that ideology run wild and rampant and that’s just an example one party is trying to rise above it
What is the best wallet for holding XRP
Solid chat, thank you gentlemen. Freedom indeed, is an inside job 💫
Loved this ❤❤
David Morgan is a great old school humble smart man with alot of life experience, Saw him on the Economic Ninja channel where he was really good, I fully trust his informative decisions. Right on Brothers
love it
David Morgan for PREZ 2024. Right on or as the Hulkster would say. RIGHT ON BROTHER. !!@@@
I love how even on this show you all realize Rothschilds own ripple and its the bankers coin yet shill it all day
Appreciate all of you guys. You’re right on!
Circle talk
Thanks, Versan and Vandell. Great interview as always.
Not seen such a reasonable interview with this Silver guy, for many years.
KWN get out of here.
thank you so much!! Please can you share a link on moving XRP onto a cold wallet? Thank you!
I think you're getting some level of shadow banned because it showed that I already watched your video even before I ever opened it to watch
Top class ty
Airlines…then banks? 🤔
Shorting Airline stocks were a clue from 9/11.
Some other odd shorting recently happened surrounding assassination attempt…by an FBI controlled asset?
Great show, guys 👍🏿💯🙏🏾
Well done!
Possibly the best guest you guys had on your channel
If XRP is the solution, how much do you see it rising to?
If the banks fail and take our money then it is over with for the centrist. Decentralization will go into double 4 time because we are sick and tired of being screwed by people who are already wealthy and only get wealthier at our expense. Crypto, blockchain, and hash graph will rule. If you’re thinking that the FDIC will protect your money up to $100,000 then you are in dream land. The only people the FDIC will help are your politicians, bankers and elites.
At timestamp 10:00 where this Gent. is talking about how there are people in power, have authority, rule over us. Is BS. People believe this to be true, but it isn't if you don't believe. And EVERYONE can in a second flip that mindset by just changing their mind. Simple. Just don't comply and don't be-lie-ve.
Thank you, guys. You are making me more financially astute by the day.
Spiritual side of money…great perspective D-Morgan!
“Iron sharpeneth iron; So a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.”❤️🔑🙏🏽
Proverbs 27:17 KJV