At Samsung, we believe that we’re all responsible for preserving the environment for generations to come. This belief inspires us to create innovations, do more for people and the planet. The launch of the Galaxy S24 Series marks the next phase of our environmental journey. Learn more:
Voices of Galaxy is a series of real stories spotlighting Samsung Galaxy users who use their passion, creativity, and determination along with technology, to make a positive impact on their own lives and their communities, and the world around them. We are committed to empowering these voices as a force for good towards a more sustainable future.
#GalaxyS24 #VoicesofGalaxy #Samsung
CompilationenvironmentFuturegalaxtgalaxygalaxy s24galaxy s24 plusgalaxy s24 ultragalaxy unpackedgalaxy unpacked 2024HighlightinspirationalINSPIREinspiringpassionates24s24 ultrasamsungsamsung eventsamsung galaxtsamsung galaxysamsung galaxy unpackedsamsung s24samsung s24 plussamsung s24 ultrasamsung unpackedstoriessustainableunpackedVoicesVoices of Galaxy
To see full stories of voices from this video:
Taissa/Uruma Kambeba:
Pita Taufatofua:
Maximo Mazzocco:
Dongsik Kim:
Tamara Gondo:
Ally Mitchell:
Oguz Ergen:
O 🇧🇷 te ama muito, Samsung! 💙
I’m a warrior pure of heart son goku!
Galaxy S 24 = 20 24 = Up > Apple
The watch is most stunning but the problem with brightness in aod the samsung community want an brightness control in aod and optional option of moving second hand in analog watchface😊
When will it be possible to copy and paste from anywhere and in any application and from any document or image from WhatsApp itself or Telegram itself and more because with you it is only possible through images in the gallery and for the time being only on other devices, for example it is possible on Google Pixel phones which is another phone of mine. in the matter
Samsung never disappointed us always! 💫
Funny how huge corporations try and paint themselves as eco-friendly but they are still responsible for >75% of global greenhouse emissions and pollution
Please… do I activate two electronic esim cards (ESIM) in the Samsung Galaxy 23 Ultra at the same time…where one works and the other stops!!!
Well Done Samsung!!!
Love You Guys So Much!!!
Don't let them fool you, apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, all garbage.
I thought Samsung's AI voice was going to be introduced now 😐😂
Woo nice
Yo cuando vi el z flip me di cuenta que apple no es nada frente a samsung…
I❤you samsung
Now, how about Greeline on screen this the most scarest thing for AMOLED user SIGNIFICANTLY for SAMSUNG USER. please SAMSUNG FIX this. How can be Software update cause the greenline ON SAMSUNG DEVICE and some irrasional factor on another phone USE AMOLED Screen. Please pay ATTENTION on this ISSUES. ME as SAMSUNG USER still confuse about this
Include the charger in the box.
Failed to show what you will do about the exploitation of congo, this is all just talk unless you actually stop exploiting the congolese people
ما فهمت
बहुत अच्छा है नया सेमसंग का अरटिफिशियल विवेकता
So many bots 😂
Please give original cover for Samsung galaxy f14
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 🔥
Apple is a Nut Infront of a Galaxy..
Iphone 15 is nothing front of samsung s24 ❤❤❤
Apple is nothing infront of samsung ❤❤❤
@samsung pin
Ok Samsung, why aren't you make over the horizon music?
subscription for sumsung Come on guys🔥🔥🔥❤
captions is kinda glitched